twenty four. alone ✔️

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twenty four. alone

Faye Smith stood at the hallway, alone. Both of her sides seemed empty, a sign that she wasn't with her friends at the moment. Though, sometimes she likes being alone but right now is not the good time especially when she needs them the most right now.

She couldn't do anything, though. Scott has to deal with his mother while Stiles is at the guidance counselor. She doesn't find herself to be with Allison while she couldn't seem to find Lydia Martin.

After dealing with Matt, it seems like her friends have lost their minds and the only person who's normal at the moment is Lydia.

Faye tried to talk to Scott about her being a werewolf but the werewolf has a lot on his plate right now, especially after revealing his true self to his own mother.

Now, she really is all alone.

♚ ♚ ♚

Faye would have laughed if someone told her she would spend time with him but she had no other choice. "It's like they're handling their own problems alone and–"

"And you should be handling your own." Derek Hale finished for her as he scanned through countless of books in the Hale house.

Faye rolled her eyes, raising her hands up in defeat. "What a great advice, Derek." She said sarcastically, glaring at his back.

She let out a sigh, sensing Erica and Boyd behind her which means that the talk-- or like rant to the Hale is over for now.

Derek placed his book down. "You decided. When?" He asked the two, turning around to see Erica and Boyd, standing a few feet away from him and Faye.

Erica gripped the strap of her bag while standing beside Boyd. "Tonight." She answered.

"Everyone's gonna be at the game. We figured it was the best time." Boyd added.

Erica looked around guiltily, "It's not like we want to."

Faye rolled her eyes, not believing the pathetic excuse of Erica because if she really didn't want to leave Derek's pack, then they wouldn't be leaving him.

Derek came closer to them, "What do you want?"

Erica shrugged, barely making eye contact with Derek and Faye. "Since I just turned 16 a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my license. I can't do that if I'm dead, you know."

"So, you're just giving up then?" Faye decided to butt in their conversation but she regretted it as soon as Derek gave her a look to 'stay out this.'

"Well, I told you there was a price." Derek told the two, remembering quite frankly the explanation he told them before turning them.

Boyd nodded once, "Yeah, but you didn't say it would be like this."

Faye watched them, growing tired of the excuses of the two. She wanted to interrupt them, badly but she couldn't dare face the wrath of Derek Hale afterwards.

Derek crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at Boyd. "Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha." His tone firm and ice cold, wanting to end this discussion and pretend that this didn't happen.

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