four. newly found abilities ✔️

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four. newly found abilities

Last night's events was terrifying for Faye Smith.

When she and her father got home, she was a mess. She couldn't stop muttering a lot of words that didn't make sense but her father understood that she was like that because she was in complete shock of what happened.

She thought that she was going to be staying in a state of being unable to move her body, that's why she can't stop panicking. Luckily, it wasn't permanent– it was only temporary but even if it isn't permanent, she still didn't like the feeling of being unable to move any part of her body.

It frightened her and she just wishes that it won't happen to her again.

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"Mom," Faye called, stepping inside the room to see her mother checking on a strawberry blonde girl.

It was the weekend when Emily, her mother, insisted on bringing Faye with her at work.

Faye Smith that her mother just wanted to show Faye around the hospital but it wasn't that. Emily wants her to meet Lydia Martin.

Emily cocked her head to the side, smiling sweetly at her daughter before motioning for her to get closer to them. "Finally, you're here. Faye, this is Lydia Martin."

Faye's eyes widened at the mention of the patient's name, remembering Allison mentioning her name when they were at the cafeteria.

So, this is Lydia Martin. She thought as she looked down at the patient, seeing that Lydia was sleeping.

"You get to meet her later when she wakes up." Emily said, rushing over her words as if she was in a hurry. "And are you sure that you're okay? You didn't see who did it to you?"

Faye haven't told her parents what she saw but her mother knew that it was something related to the supernatural.

Faye avoided making eye contact with her mother, not knowing what to say. Her mother might not believe her but Faye didn't know that her mother knows everything about the supernatural. "It– It was this snake– I can't describe it."

Faye shook her head, wanting to burn the image of the kanima in her mind.

"All right. It's okay. Why don't you sit there for a minute or two? Then, I'll call you when Lydia wakes up, okay?" Her mother pointed at the chairs located near them. And on one of those chairs was Stiles, laying with a balloon wrapped around his hand.

She didn't know why her mother keeps on pushing her into meeting Lydia Martin. It was strange and thought about asking her mother about it but Emily was gone as soon as she guided Faye to her seats.

So, without a choice, she sat on one of the chairs but not before raising an eyebrow when she heard Stiles Stilinski mutter something under his breath.

She thought it was aimed at her, like a sarcastic remark but the spastic boy was still asleep.

His mouth hung open as snores left his open mouth.

She decided to ignore him, focusing more on the clock hung at the wall. When she was about to go deep into her thoughts, her mother decided to come back.

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