twenty eight. limerence ✔️

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twenty eight. limerence

Faye giggled as she and her other two friends sat at a booth, eating pizza and celebrating the fact that they defeated Gerard and the Kanima. "I can't believe it's summer. I can finally do normal things." Faye told the two boys with a smile on her face.

"I'll be spending my summer by thinking of plans how to get Lydia fall in love with me." Stiles said which caused the two werewolves to roll their eyes at his statement. "It'll be amazing and will be a more of an epic love story than the both of you." He continued, absentmindedly.

Faye rose an eyebrow, confused at his given statement while Scott elbowed Stiles but it seemed like the Stilinski boy didn't get what he did wrong. "What? Stop hitting me!" Stiles exclaimed, turning to his best friend with his face scrunched up.

"What do you mean, Stiles?" The Aderes asked the only human in their group, waiting for him to explain his own statement.

That's when Stiles Stilinski knew he was in deep trouble after receiving a look of confusion from Faye and a glare from Scott.

"Uh– I– that was a joke." Stiles stated but more like he read something off of a script and acted it badly.

Scott shook his head in disappointment before letting out a sigh, "Faye, we need to talk."

♚ ♚ ♚

Faye sat at the very end of the bench, looking over to the park with a smile settled on her face. She closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing at her. A calm sensation taking over as she took in a deep breath.

She felt safe, now that everything is done. She could finally do the things that she didn't manage to do due to the supernatural enemies they had along the way. She felt safe but she knew that deep down, this wasn't the end. They would always find it in their hearts to help the people and be the invisible heroes that everyone wouldn't know. They would always stop the evil side of the supernatural world and feel the peace surrounding their town. She hoped that someday, there wouldn't be any trouble thrown at their way.

She almost forgot that there was someone with her. It startled her when someone placed their hand on hers, squeezing it gently.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about, Scott?" She asked the boy, opening her eyes to look over to him with an unreadable expression.

She was waiting for him to speak up, to say anything but surprisingly, he remained silent. He only stared at her longingly for a moment before snapping out of it, blinking rapidly. "I wanted to talk about us." Scott told her, hoping to get something good out of this instead of leaving with a broken heart. Faye waited for him to explain, nodding for him to continue. This caused the Beta to clear his throat and lick his lower lip as an expression of feeling nervous at the given situation.

His heart's beating rapidly against his chest and he took a deep breath to calm himself. "When I first saw you, I thought that you just needed our help because you were new." He began, cursing at himself in his mind at the bad start that he gave. "But then we started getting close and– and– dammit." He let out rather loudly, frustrated at himself for not being brave enough to admit his feelings.

Faye gave him a reassuring smile, "Take it easy, Scott. I'm not in a rush or something." She said, giggling at the adorable boy in front of her. The same boy who she's completely smitten about.

"I like you." The Aderes' eyes widened at the sudden confess of Scott. "I like you a lot." He said again.

Faye shook her head, earning a frown from Scott himself. "That's impossible." She forced out a laugh, still quite not believing the things that he said. "I mean– you can have Allison, now!" She stated, extremely confused.

"Look, I heard your conversation with Stiles when we were at the preserve. You admitted that you have feelings for me and–" Faye cut him off by standing up, shaking her head.

"So, all of this is just out of pity? I don't want you feeling forced that you have to like me just because you heard–" He cut her off as well but doing a different tactic at it.

She let out a gasp softly at the sudden feeling of warm lips on her. She was speechless and frozen, not expecting it but soon enough melted as Scott held her in his arms. She was amazed, feeling as if she was floating and could reach the stars. She was on cloud nine.

But, Scott McCall thought that Faye didn't like it due to her unresponsive lips. He pulled away, backing away from the Aderes with a frown and eyes that couldn't even look at her. "I'm sorry. I– I thought that you still like me. I guess I was assuming things." He told her but Faye was shaking her head.

"I do like you, Scott." She admitted. "I like you so much that it hurts to see you being with Allison. I like you so much that it hurts to see you in pain. Dammit, I like you so much that sometimes I would just imagine how it would feel to be with you." She confessed, not embarrassed and finally relieved that she said those things.

It felt like she could breathe properly now, without feeling the weight on her shoulders and constant urge to yell her feelings to Scott. She finally had the courage to tell it to him face to face.

Scott gave her that adorable smile, the one that reaches his eyes and activates the lightness inside of it.Slowly, he walked up to Faye, bringing his hand up slowly to caress her cheek. Faye started breathing heavily, her eyes focusing on Scott's brown ones. Before Scott could kiss her yet again, Faye stopped him. "Wait," She breathed out as her arms wrapped around his torso. "What does this make us, Scott McCall?" She asked, smiling up at the boy in front of her.

Scott pretended on thinking about it, "Well, do you want to be my girlfriend, Faye Smith?" He asked, still an centimeters away from Faye.

This time, it was Faye's turn to pretend that she was still thinking about it. She wanted to giggle at the sight of Scott's hopeful look on her. "Of course, Scott. Now, kiss me, you idiot." She told him and that's when their lips met.

♚ ♚ ♚


Anywas, this is the last chapter of book one. Hope that yall liked this even though it was cheesy as hell. Remember to vote and comment. Lots of love.

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