twenty five. lacrosse game ✔️

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twenty five. lacrosse game

After the discussion of Scott with Coach, he and his best friend, Stiles, were found sitting down on the bench. That made the Aderes stand up and go over them but she stayed hidden behind them as the two talked.

Scott looked over to Stiles, "Is your dad coming?" He asked his best friend.

Stiles looked around then nodded once he saw his dad, sitting beside Melissa McCall. "Yeah, he's already here."

Faye looked at the Sheriff and smiled. She figured it's time to announce her arrival but her smile dropped as soon as Scott talked. "You seen Allison?" Faye blinked rapidly, biting her lower lip.

She thought that it would always be Allison. Scott is Allison's first love and he would always look for her. You don't just forget your first love, no matter what.

"No, you seen Lydia?" Stiles asked Scott, hoping to spot the strawberry blonde girl.

Scott shook his head, not noticing that Faye is standing behind them. "Not yet."

Faye looked down, shaking her head at herself for being foolish to even think that Scott McCall would even like her back. A hope started rising inside of her after spending a lot of time with the McCall boy. It even raised higher when he had problems with the huntress but it seemed like he would always love Allison, no matter what. But at that moment, she realized something. She realized that she had fallen in love with Scott McCall after being with him for months now. She realized that after remembering that he's her anchor, that she always thinks about him and how she cares for him deeply. It seemed crazy to her but she should accept the fact that she fell in love but it was only one sided.

"Do you know what's going on?" Stiles asked his best friend, chewing on the inside of his cheek to show his nervousness towards the game.

Scott let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Not yet."

Stiles bounced his right leg as he scanned the field nervously, "It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?" He asked, hoping that his assumption is wrong, that he's over reacting.

Faye felt bad for Stiles. She knew that he couldn't probably handle seeing innocent people dead or even hurt. "Looks like it." Scott told his best friend, not wanting to sugar coat anything to him because it would only be worse.

As the boys took a while to talk, Faye decided to get back to her seat beside Melissa. She plopped down onto her seat as she let out a sigh. "I know." Melissa told her after a long silence, surprising the Aderes.

"I'm sorry, what?" Faye blinked as she looked at Melissa with a puzzled look resting on her face. "You know what?"

"I always notice the way you look at my son." Melissa told her which shocked the blonde girl.

Faye opened her mouth then closed it. She couldn't let that sentence alone sink into her mind. "I- I-"

Melissa waved a hand at her, "It's all right, Faye. I also notice the way that he looks at you. He doesn't know it yet but he'll know soon enough." She reassured the girl.

"What do you mean?" Faye questioned her, not really understanding what Melissa asked.

However, her question was left unanswered when Sheriff spoke up. "Oh, no. Why is my son running out to the field?" Sheriff Stilinski asked in surprise and confusion as he watched Stiles go onto the field with a worried yet excited look on his face.

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