one. typical high school ✔️

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one. typical high school

Faye tripped at the last step of the stairs to the entrance of her new school. She let out a small gasp, placing her palm against the floor roughly, steadying herself. Her heart raced and not in a good way, of course. She sighed, standing up to her full height while rubbing her palm against her dark jeans only to cause her to wince due to the slight friction that happened when her palm met the floor.

She shook her head from side to side in disappointment, not liking the way how her day is starting but she kept a positive mind— not always though.

She let out a shriek, her body forcefully colliding with the railing of the stairs because of the rough shove that she got from someone. She whipped her head to the side, her eyes widening once she caught sight of a blonde dude enter the school with some laughing jocks.

She never really judge people that easily, she wasn't like anyone even this time. But she couldn't help but think that the guy was a jerk for shoving people out of his way.

Who does he think he is, the king of the school? She thought, letting out a snort afterwards.

"Are you okay?" Someone approached her, startling her. She thought that she imagined a voice inside her mind considering that she's been letting out lots of emotion inside her mind at the moment. "I'm sorry about Jackson, he's always like that." Faye blinked, finally seeing the guy in front of her.

"Jackson?" Her tone setting it off that she is indeed confused. But the confusion faded away as her eyes locked with brown ones, catching her by surprise as she took in his features.

Crooked jaw, brown eyes, messy but short hair, probably hispanic. She thought as her eyes roamed around his entire being, absorbing every flaw and studying his face up close.

"Jackson Whittemore, the guy who just purposely shoved you out of his way." The guy hinted, his head cocked to the side towards the direction of the entrance of the Beacon Hills High.

He probably didn't know that she was new because it wasn't the first day of school, actually they already started. Faye had to switch schools because of the job of her parents. The school had no problem with Faye entering in such a bad timing, the students giving her curious looks but that's all. They're just curious about the new girl but some talked about her as they passed her, wondering why would she choose this school considering a lot has been going on here and in this town.

Faye's eyebrows rose in realization, "I'm actually new here." She decided to say, instead of teasing the boy and played along with the whole, 'Oh, yeah! Jackson Whittemore. I totally know him.'

That would be awful since it will sound like she got it from a not–so–good script.

This time, the guy's eyes widened, probably embarrassed that he didn't realize it. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine." Faye waved it off with a smile and a quick wave of her hand. "Anyways, I'm Faye Smith." Holding out her hand to the nice stranger in front of her with a small smile plastered on her face, feeling hyper and joyful all of the sudden. Confidence bursting through her veins, making her spit out sentences effortlessly without stuttering.

The guy looked down at her hand, examining it before holding hers with a firm grip, surprising her. The guy must have noticed because he loosened his grip towards the new girl with a sheepish smile. He shook it gently, sending her an adorable smile, "I'm Scott McCall."

"Scott," Faye repeated, nodding once before letting go of his hand with a smile adorned on her face. "So, Scott. Can you show me around the campus like give me a tour or something?" She said while letting her eyes explore the building with amazement and curiosity in her eyes.

"Sure but we need to stop by to the principal's office first– to get your schedule and stuff." Scott stated awkwardly, not used to helping a new student on their first day. The closest he offered help to a new student is with Allison Argent, offering her a pen after hearing about her conversation with her mom on the phone.

He remembered that time, freaking out about the fact that he can hear things and smell everything he's close to. Along with his best friend, Stiles Stilinski, both of them thought that Scott being a werewolf is ridiculous and doesn't make sense at all but look at him right now. He's trying to accept the fact that he is this kind of creature but nevertheless his friends learned to accept what he is.

"Okay, lead the way, McCall." Faye said, smiling sweetly at the dark haired boy, motioning her hand to the double doors of the school building as if waiting for the McCall boy to lead the way.

"Yeah, right." Scott said, laughing with a sheepish smile before turning around to walk to the entrance of the building with the new girl trailing behind him.

She hopes that this day won't be hard.

♚ ♚ ♚

hello, i hoped that y'all liked this! I tried my best in editing a lot of things in this chapter. Anyways, i hope that all of you will have a great day, lots of love.


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