thirteen. the hot one ✔️

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thirteen. the hot one

"You're probably wondering what's going on with you." Her mother began.

Faye's eyes widened, "Wait– You knew what's happening to me?" Her whole body froze in shock, not expecting this from her mother. "Why didn't you help me? I was so lost these past few days– I didn't know how to–" She could barely finish her sentence, frowning afterwards.

Her mother let out a sigh, frowning as well but took this as a sign to start the story. "Your great great grandma was the first Aderes." Emily, her mom, began. "She struggled being one because of the abilities– it was too much for her with the visions and not being able to control her body."

"But she had to accept it. She had to accept the fact that the rest of the pack needs her. With that thought in mind, she managed to find a way to control herself whenever a vision comes to her."

"Pack? You mean–" Faye said with furrowed eyebrows.

Emily nodded, "Yes. Aderes are meant to be in a pack, Faye. They are the most important in that group. It's in our blood, being an Aderes. A supernatural creature had to trigger it and–" She paused, letting her daughter sink in the words as she reached out to grab her daughter's hands. "You are the protector of the pack, they need you." She explained, sitting beside her daughter.

"How did you know that they need me?" Faye had to ask, staring at her mother as confusion filled her whole being.

"Due to our family dealing with supernatural creatures, your grandmother received the news about the werewolves here in Beacon Hills. We knew about Derek Hale, so we didn't want you to be with him but be with Scott instead. We had the feeling that he would make a great leader, an Alpha. So, she appointed you to be the protector of their pack." Her mother explained.

Faye was still confused at this point. "Why didn't she appoint you?"

Emily shook her head, letting out a sigh again. "Because I had mine but I ran away. The Alpha was dangerous, Faye. He wanted to have a pack full of Alphas so I had to run." Before Faye could react, her mother continued to talk.

"Your eyes changes colors right? They glow in three colors– pink when someone is in danger, purple when someone is hurt and black–" She trailed off.

"Black for?" Faye asked, waiting for her mom to continue. "Tell me." She urged her mom.

"When someone dies." Emily finished.

Faye's mouth hung agape due to shock but brushed it off, considering that she has a lot of questions. "You said that they turn color when someone is either in danger, hurt or died. How come when we were at the school with the kanima–"

"It only works when you're not with that person. For example, with Lydia. You weren't exactly with her. It also works only when you've known them or deeply care about them. Like they're also part of the pack." Emily explained.

Faye's eyebrows furrowed, playing with her fingers while letting all these information sink into her mind. "So, did Derek know that I'll be like this? An Aderes?" Curious to know considering that her family knows Derek Hale.

Emily tilted her head to the side, "I believe he knows what you are but not the whole background. His Uncle Peter Hale knew about us, though."

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