eighteen. attraction ✔️

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eighteen. attraction

All of them entered the library with Mr. Harris, frowns etched on their faces.

"Oh, uh– we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson said, looking at Scott and Stiles.

"All of these tools?" Mr. Harris asked, eyeing Erica, Faye, Scott and Stiles.

Stiles shook his head, pointing at him and Scott. "No, just us tools."

"Fine. You two, over there." Mr. Harris said. So, Scott and Stiles walked to the other table. Faye was about to go sit with them but she stopped once she noticed the glare that Mr. Harris was giving her.

Unfortunately, she had to sit with Erica. With her tongue in between her teeth, she sat across from the Beta with boredom clear in her eyes. She glanced at the two boys, only to see that those two are already talking, not noticing that she's at another table with the werewolf.

♚ ♚ ♚

"You like him, don't you?" Erica asked the blonde girl across from her, letting her know that she noticed the constant stares and glances thrown at the McCall boy.

Faye's eyes flickered over to Erica, her eyes widening slightly before blinking several times. "I don't know what you're talking about." She mumbled.

"You like Scott." Erica pointed out and luckily, her voice wasn't loud enough for Allison or anyone to hear.

But, Scott can. Perks of being a werewolf.

Scott watched Faye at the corner of his eye, seeing her hissing at Erica as the werewolf rambled about the Aderes' feelings towards him.

He didn't know what to feel honestly. When he heard it come out of her lips for the first time, he felt as if he's frozen. He was shocked and surprised as well.

But, he's sure that he doesn't like Faye. He loves Allison, not the blonde girl they just met ages ago. Allison stole his heart, not Faye.

That's why, he's acting awkward around her. He didn't want to hurt her feelings by getting her hopes up. So, he thought that this is the best way to act around her, to be awkward.

"Erica, shut up." Faye said through gritted teeth, wanting the girl across from her to stop with the teasing.

Thankfully, Erica stopped. She kept her mouth shut while they sat there, not doing anything else.

"Are you okay?" She heard Matt ask, causing her to turn around to see Jackson, his hand on his head. "Jackson–"

Jackson grabbed his bag quickly, getting up from his seat. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Are you alright?" Mr. Harris asked once he noticed Jackson.

"I just need to get some water." Jackson mumbled before rushing out of the library, still in pain.

Suddenly, Mr. Harris got up from his seat, looking at the students in the room. "No one leaves their seats." He said before following Jackson.

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