T w e l v e

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"Savanna," Chandler whispers, poking his head into my room.

"Chandler, what do you want?" I snap, removing the pillow from my head. My clock says 2:37 am and I'm still half asleep.

"Can I come in?" He asks, cracking the door open wider.

"Yes, Chandler. Please come into my room at two thirty in the morning," I retort.

"Thanks," he whisper/shouts before sprinting into my room and plopping down on my bed.

"Oh my god. What?" I ask, now fully awake.

"My parents anniversary is the weekend before we go back to school," Chandler says, excitedly.

Not understanding why he's so excited, I flick my reading light on. He's staring at me with wide, bright blue eyes.

"What does that have to do with anything? Do I need to get them a gift or something?" I question. I sit up in my bed so I can see Chandler better.

"No. Oh my god. Savanna, they're gonna be out of town!" Chandler continues to stare at me, hopeful that I'll understand where he's going. I'm still lost.

"I don't follow," I state, raising an eyebrow.

"Jesus," Chandler mutters, face palming himself. "My parents are going to be out of town the entire weekend. It's just gonna be you, me, and Grayson. So we're gonna throw a party. Do you understand?"

I roll my eyes. "I understand. Thanks for making that so difficult. Now get out of my room. Go to sleep or something," I demand, flicking my light back off.

"So you're in. Cool. Invite Lizzy and Cameron," Chandler offers, shuffling out of my room.

I bury my face in my pillow and attempt to go back to sleep.


In the morning, I decide to walk to Cameron's house to tell him about the party. I could've just texted him, but I want to see him for a little and maybe get some exercise.

It's warm outside. More than warm actually; scorching. The unforgiving Georgia heat is especially brutal in August. Although, the sky is covered in dark gray, almost black, storm clouds.

Before I know it, I've reached Cameron's house. I rap on the door with my knuckles and wait for someone to answer. Cameron's mom actually answers the door.

"Hi Mrs. Williams," I say with a smile as she opens the screen door.

"Hey sugar. Come on in," Mrs. Williams offers. She stands to the side and I walk in.

The house smells of baking. I close my eyes and inhale the wonderful scent.

"What're you making?" I ask, poking my head into the kitchen. She walks around me and into the kitchen to continue her work.

"Sweet potato pie!" Mrs. Williams exclaims. She grabs some flour and rubs it on her hands before returning to work on what looks like a pie crust.

"Sounds delicious," I whisper. My mouth has already started watering.

"If you stick around for dinner, you can get a slice," she says in a singsong voice. "Cameron's in his room by the way."

"Oh. Thank you," I giggle, setting my bag down by the front door.

"That's why you came over, isn't it?" Mrs. Williams calls from the kitchen.

"Yes, ma'am," I call back.

Mrs. Williams is laughing in the kitchen as I make my way down the hallway. The door to Cameron's room is shut. Without thinking, I swing the door open. I immediately regret it.

To the Moon and Back {Chandler Riggs}Where stories live. Discover now