T h i r t y

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I wake up with Chandler's arm still snaked around my torso. He's snoring lightly, but I can tell he's passed out.

I open my phone only to be bombarded with notifications. The first text is from our walking dead cast group chat. Scott Gimple wants to know if Chandler and I can come to set today.

I groan aloud, knowing that I'll have to go because I haven't been to set since late May. I respond, telling him that we can make it.

I carefully remove Chandler's arm from around my waist, and slide out from under the sheet. The cold air comes as a shock to my naked body, causing me to shiver. I ignore the discomfort and step out of the disheveled bed, immediately regretting it. I nearly collapse to the ground, barely grasping the side of the bed to steady myself. My legs are sore and my private parts ache something awful. Every step is more painful than the last.

Eventually, I make it to the bathroom where I take a well deserved seat on the counter. For the first time since last night, I glance at myself in the mirror.

My makeup is still caked on and, although my skin seems to be glowing, there's visible hickeys around my neck and light pink scratches on my back.

Nothing that can't be covered with a little makeup. I think to myself. At least I hope.

I take a few agonizing steps to the shower and turn the warm water on. As I step in and the steam hits my face, I realize something.

I'm no longer a virgin.

I gave myself to Chandler last night and I can't say I regret it. Because I don't. I'm happy that my first time was with Chandler even if I wasn't his first.

Before my mom died, I always wanted to save my first time for my wedding night. It wasn't because of religious reasons. It was just something I promised myself. As I got older and my mom got sicker, waiting till marriage became less and less important. Then she died and it became completely unnecessary. I actually wanted to lose it.

There's a knock on the bathroom door.

"Come in!" I call. My voice is hoarse from it being the first time I've spoken all morning.

The door opens slowly and I peek my head out of the shower. "Did you tell Scott we could go to set today?" Chandler asks, yawning.

"Yeah. I thought it'd be good since I haven't been in a while," I respond.

"Okay. He wants us there at two."

"What time is it now?

"It's eleven thirty, so we should be on the road in about an hour," Chandler says as he steps into the bathroom.

"Sounds good. Are you gonna join me in the shower?" I ask playfully.

"I thought you'd never ask." Chandler smirks, stripping out of his boxers and stepping in.


I manage to get through the day on set, limping and willing for the pain in my legs to go away. I took some ibuprofen earlier to help, but it only goes so far.

We filmed some of part four of the Whisperer War today which, unfortunately, contained a lot of action scenes and stunts.

I peal off my dirt and fake blood covered skinny jeans which have been causing my crotch to ache all day. As I'm changing into some joggers, I check my phone. There's a text from Lizzy, Mia, and I's group chat.

mama mia😛🚿- son of a bitch no one said it would hurt this much

me- don't even get me started i had to come to set today too i think i might actually die

lord farquaad🍆😮😫- wusses

mama mia😛🚿- kys

lord farquaad🍆😮😫- o

There's a knock on my trailer door. I slide my phone into my pocket and answer it. Chandler stands on the other side, smiling.


"Yeah let's go." I grin and take his hand.

We walk out to his car in the parking lot and stuff ourselves in. The car is still full of stuff from Lizzy's party which we need to drop off.

Chandler starts the car, and we drive back to Lizzy's house.


"I think that's all of it," Chandler announces, pushing the fridge door shut.

We've finally finished unpacking all of the things from Lizzy's birthday party either into the fridge, the pantry, or on the dining room table.

"Finally," I sigh as I let out a tired laugh and follow Chandler back outside.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says as he slams the trunk of his car shut. He hugs me and plants a kiss on my lips before adding, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I respond as Chandler hops into the front seat. "Bye."

Chandler waves and pulls out of Lizzy's driveway. I watch him until he pulls onto the main street and his car disappears.

I sigh and walk back into the quiet house. Lizzy and Sam are passed out in her bed, so I decide to crash on the couch. It's almost midnight, so Lizzy's mom will be home soon. I debate waking Sam and Lizzy, but I've already gotten comfortable.

Pretty soon, my eyes start to get heavy and sleep takes over.


(A/N): what the fuck is up survivors. Basketball season is officially over and I will be writing more frequently. I hope to get back to my regular updating schedule soon. Twd comes back on in one fucking day and I'm so lit omf but ok until next time.

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