T h i r t e e n

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"Grayson, you're in charge," GinaAnn states.

"What? Why's he in charge? He's the youngest person here!" Chandler objects with a confused look on his face.

GinaAnn sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger.

"I would leave Savanna in charge, but both of you are recovering from recent breakups and I don't trust emotional teenagers to run my house while I'm gone," GinaAnn says, looking at Chandler then me.

A horn honks outside and the five of us strain our necks to look out the widow.

"We better be going," William says, motioning to the taxi that's waiting outside.

"Behave yourselves. I love you," GinaAnn says. She kisses each of our heads before picking up her suitcase.

Chandler, Grayson, and I wave goodbye to William and GinaAnn. They'll be gone the entire weekend for their anniversary. Today, Saturday, and they return late on Sunday night.

As soon as their taxi pulls away, Sam's car pulls up to our house. He and Lizzy hop out and rush up to the porch. Chandler opens the door and Lizzy immediately goes to the kitchen to set down the bags of food she brought.

"You told Cameron and Brianna that they can't come, right?" Sam asks as he plugs his phone into the outlet by the door.

"I never even told Cameron about the party," I cringe at the sound of his name on my tongue.

"Brianna's not coming," Chandler mutters.


The party's been in full effect for a few hours now. Music is blasting so loud I can't hear myself think.

I saw Sam kiss Lizzy earlier. I've been smiling so wide my face hurts. I'm glad they found each other. At least someone's had a good summer. We start school on Monday and I can't exactly say I'm excited.

I pull a drink out of the cooler in the kitchen. I'm not even surprised that its alcoholic. Someone left Sam in charge of drinks.

I take a sip. It doesn't even taste like alcohol. It tastes like kool-aid.

"It's good, right?" Chandler asks with a smirk.

I jump slightly from his sudden presence, but shake it off.

"It's alright. I guess," I mumble. I swirl the can around, trying to avoid drinking it. Something about Chandler makes me nervous. Like I don't want to be around him. I don't know if it's because of Brianna or what, but I can't be here anymore.

"Are you-"

"I'm sorry," I cut him off. "I can't do this." I set the can down on the counter and hurry upstairs to my room.


Once in my room, I shut the door and sit on my bed.

"Savanna!" Chandler calls from outside the door.

"Does he not understand what 'I can't do this' means?" I mumble to myself.

There's a knock on my door and it squeaks open, allowing the blasting music from downstairs to creep into my room. Chandler appears in the doorway with a worried expression on his face. He slowly closes the door and stands there, not moving.

"What do you want, Chandler?" I snap, sounding a bit more rude than I intended.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks. His question sits in the air so long I start to wonder if he even said anything.

To the Moon and Back {Chandler Riggs}Where stories live. Discover now