T w e n t y E i g h t

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I look around, trying to take in my surroundings. My head is pounding and almost every part of my body hurts.

Everywhere I look is white. The room smells sterile and clean, and I can hear a steady beeping. I'm in the hospital.

Slowly, piece by piece, everything starts to come back. Chandler's graduation, the party, Cameron, that sound.

The door to my room opens and a man in a white lab coat walks in, looking down at a clip board. "Savanna," he exclaims. "I didn't know you were up. How do you feel?"

"Like crap," I manage to choke out. My throat is dry and hoarse.

"Here. Drink." The doctor offers me a Dixie cup full of water and I accept it gratefully.

"Thank you."

"Do you remember anything that happened to you before the accident?" The doctor asks, peering over his glasses to look at me.

"Yeah. I remember what was happening that day."

"I was informed that your mother passed away a few months ago. Did that have anything to do with your strange behavior the night of the incident?" The doctor pulls a chair next to my hospital bed and sits in it, crossing his legs.

"That plus my ex boyfriend, but it's a long story," I sigh as I rub the cast that contains my right arm.

"You are aware that you were hit by a vehicle, yes?"

I nod.

"I must also let you know that your right arm was broken. It's almost healed, so we can take the cast off soon. You have a mild concussion and bruising along your ribs."

I stare into space trying to process all that he said. I have a headache, probably from the concussion, and my stomach hurts like I might throw up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to check and make sure everything is okay, but while I'm gone, you can have visitors. There's a ton of people outside anxious to see you. You up to it?"

I nod slowly so I don't irritate my headache. The doctor smiles and walks out.

Moments later, Chandler appears in the doorway of my hospital room.

"Savanna," Chandler chokes, rushing to my side. "I'm so sorry." He hugs me the best he can without hurting me.

"It's not your fault," I assure, using my good arm to brush his hair back.

"I love you," Chandler whispers before kissing me.

I kiss him back even though it's aggravating my head. "I love you, too."

"I thought- I thought you might not-" Chandler cuts himself off and allows a few tears to fall from his eyes. "I thought you might never wake up." More tears fall from his eyes and he buries his head in the crook of my neck.

I feel his body jerk as he sobs onto my hospital gown.

"I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere," I assure him as a few tears of my own escape. "What day is today anyway?"

"July sixth," Chandler replies, wiping his face with his sleeve.

"W- what?" I manage to stammer out in disbelief. It can't be July already. I missed out on an entire month of my life.

To the Moon and Back {Chandler Riggs}Where stories live. Discover now