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I stuff my backpack under the seat in front of me and try not to burst into tears. I'm excited about starting over in Atlanta, but I'm gonna miss the hell out of my mom. I've never really been away from my mom. Whenever I would go out of state for shoots or other things, she always came with me. But now I'm moving across the country from her. Not to mention my best friend, Amanda, didn't want to take the opportunity to come to Atlanta. When she heard about the transfer, she quit to focus on "teenager stuff" or however she put it. Amanda is probably my only real friend. We met when we started modeling and we've been friends ever since.

The flight attendant begins to go over the safety procedures at the front of the plane as I whip out my phone to put it on airplane mode. The date catches my eye and I let out a quiet groan. It's only June 11th and The Walking Dead doesn't come back until October. I'm not sure how much longer I can wait to find out who Negan killed.

"Ma'am?" Someone asks.

I look up to see a flight attendant bending over the seat to look me in the eyes. She's young, probably no older than twenty five, with long, red hair that's pulled up into a ponytail, and bright red lipstick.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll put it away." I assure, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

"Thank you." The lady says with a smile and walks off.

Once she's gone, I pull it back out to put it on airplane mode. As I'm about to turn the brightness down and put my phone away, I smile a little at my wallpaper. It was taken when I met my internet friend, Lizzy, at wsc Atlanta last year. I'm giving Katelyn Nacon bunny ears, Katelyn is giving Lizzy bunny ears, and Lizzy is standing on the other side of Katelyn, completely clueless as to what's going on. I let out a slight chuckle. That was one of the greatest days of my life.

That's another reason I wasn't against moving to Atlanta. My internet friend, Lizzy, lives in Atlanta. We met a couple years ago in The Walking Dead fandom. We both had Chandler fan pages and we became best friends. Maybe even closer friends than Amanda and I. I can not wait to meet her again!

I rest my head against the airplane window as we begin driving down the runway. After we're in the air, I doze off.


The flight was long and boring and I've never been more glad to get off a plane. I grab my backpack and walk out, looking left and right for GinaAnn.

"Savanna!" Someone calls out.

I turn my head to see a woman waving at me. A man, who must be her husband, and a younger boy, who must be her son, stand on either side of her. I walk over to the three; something about them is oddly familiar.

"Oh my god!" GinaAnn exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug, "you've gotten so big since I saw you last! Do you recognize me?"

Maybe they seem familiar because I met then when I was like two or something, but it seems like more than that.

"Yeah, kinda." I chuckle as she releases me from the hug. I shake her husband's hand and then her son's. I feel bad because I don't know either of their names.

"This is my husband, William, and this is my youngest son, Grayson." GinaAnn introduces us.

Well, that solves that problem.

"Hi." I say, waving my hand slightly.

"Well we better get a move on." William says.

We go to the carousel first to get my luggage and then we walk to the car. I put my bags in the trunk of their SUV and get into the backseat next to Grayson. As we drive down the highway, I stare out the window. I love the sight of Atlanta. It always reminds me more of New York City than of LA. Tall buildings and busy streets.

"Ever been to Atlanta before?" William asks from the driver's seat.

"Just once. For a convention." I reply.

"Oooo! What kind of convention?" GinaAnn asks, slightly turning around in the passenger's seat.

"Walker Stalker Con," I tell them. "Do you know what that is?"

They give each other a look which makes me almost suspicious, but I brush it off.

"Yeah, we're familiar with Walker Stalker..." GinaAnn trails off, turning back around in her seat.

Okay... that was weird.
I think to myself.

After about twenty minutes of silence, we stop in front of a large, two-story house.

"Grayson, help Savanna get her bags." GinaAnn tells Grayson.

I grab my backpack and walk to the trunk to meet Grayson, but GinaAnn and William stay in the car.

"You don't have to get all my bags." I tell Grayson.

"No, it's fine. I got it." Grayson states, hiking the last of my bags onto his shoulder.

"You're pretty strong," I tell him. "How old are you?"

"Just turned fourteen." He states as we walk to the front door.

"Oh, happy belated birthday."  I say awkwardly.

"Thanks," he replies, kicking the door open.

"The door was unlocked?" I question, nervously.

"Yeah, my older brother's here," he states.

I nod my head as I walk into their home. I had forgotten they had another son.

Grayson sets my bags down next to the sofa and shouts up the stairs, "Chandler! We're back! Savanna's here too!"

I smile at the sound of Grayson's older brother's name. I love the name Chandler. Mainly because it's the name of one of the actors on The Walking Dead. I know this isn't the same Chandler, but I still like to think about it.

A boy about my age trots down the stairs. His long, brown hair sways with every step he takes. As he reaches the bottom step, he flips his hair out of his eyes. My voice catches in my throat and I think I might throw up because standing in front of me right now is none other than:

Chandler Carlton Riggs.

Author's Note:
Yay! First chapter!! I hope you guys like reading this story as much as I like writing it. Also, Savanna's internet friend, Lizzy, is played by twdchanfans
I hope to start updating this story regularly. Love ya!😘

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