T w e n t y F o u r

251 19 15

I sit at the vanity as a woman begins to set out my jewelry. My makeup has already been done and my outfit is laying in the chair next to me.

I glance at myself in the mirror, and wipe my hands on my jeans. My palms are sweaty and I'm so nervous.

"Don't be nervous," Tom assures me.

"Thanks, but I'm having a small panic attack," I tell him.

"Chris is funny. You won't even realize you're on TV."

I let out a laugh to try and calm my nerves, but it doesn't work.

"You can get dressed now," my hair stylist whispers as she pats my shoulder.

I stand, grab my clothes, and walk into the dressing room. I slip my outfit on, careful not to mess up my hair or makeup.

"We're ready for you all!" Someone calls before stepping back out into the other room.

Denise, Tom, and I walk out into the screening room where someone tells us what we're supposed to do. I sit closest to Chris, Denise sits in the middle, and Tom is on the far right side of the couch.

There's a lot of people in the audience, making me even more nervous.

"One minute!" Someone shouts as Chris walks in and sits in his seat.

"Hey Savanna!" He says with a smile and shakes my hand.

"Hello," I reply, smiling back.

"Five... four..." someone behind one of the cameras starts counting down. "Three... two..." the man points to Chris.

"Well that was an... interesting episode. We saw the residents of the hilltop get out of hand and threaten to overthrow Maggie. Gregory poisoned Maggie to try and take back leadership. And we saw exactly what happens when Carl Grimes starts thinking with his other head," Chris smirks.

I roll my eyes and grin, hoping the camera's not on me.

"On the couch is Tom Payne, Denise Huth, and I'm very excited to announce our surprise cast member, Lydia herself, the one and only, Savanna Mills! I'm Chris Hardwick and this is Talking Dead."

Everyone starts clapping, so I smile and join in.

After the applause dies down, Chris starts reading from some notecards. "Well that was quite an episode. Carl's eye seemed to be scoring him some points with the ladies."

The audience laughs and so do we.

"So, Savanna, what was it like filming that last scene with Chandler?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Uh, well. Chandler's a cool guy and we're pretty good friends. I'm not gonna say it wasn't awkward because it was probably the weirdest thing I've done, but you know. It happened, so..." I shrug and attempt to laugh.

"Did you actually have to lick his eye?" Chris asks.

"I did actually. They had his eye makeup and prosthetic all nicely put together there and my instructions before we started filming were 'don't hesitate. Just lick it'," I giggle. My nerves have started to calm down a little and I can relax more.


Towards the end of the show, they have someone from the audience come up and ask a question. It's a young woman. She's probably no older than twenty five. Her name is Alondra and Chris tells her to ask her question.

"My question is for Savanna," she says motioning to me.

My heart swells when she says that. I feel special.

"What all went in to the skin mask that you were wearing last half of the season?"

"Oh yeah. That was really cool actually. It was my first day on set and Greg Nicotero had a bunch of masks that were all different sizes. They were made out of like rubber and silicone, I think. It made them look like actual skin, which was gross. We didn't want it to fit exactly so it was a little lose, but it ended up looking really cool."

The show ends after a couple more questions and a clip from next week's episode.

We hang out for another two hours before GinaAnn and I head to the hospital to visit my mom. We're in LA so obviously we need to see her.

It's almost midnight by the time we arrive at the hospital. It's dark and quiet inside. Only one, lonely secretary sits by herself at the front desk.

GinaAnn and I walk up to the desk. The young lady smiles and tugs her headphones off.

"We're here to visit Jeanette Davis. I believe she's in room 301," GinaAnn tells the secretary.

"I am so sorry. Visiting hours are over at eight pm. I can't let you up there," the woman apologizes, a look of sympathy on her face.

"I'm her daughter. Isn't there some exception you can make?" I plead, desperately wanting to see my mom.

"I'm truly sorry, but I don't have the authority to let you upstairs," she explains.

"You have got to be kidding me," GinaAnn sighs.

"You can come back tomorrow morning at nine if you want," the woman suggests.

"But our flight leaves at six," I groan, tears stinging in my eyes. I just want to see my mom. It's been like eight months since I saw her last.

"Could you at least inform her that we stopped by?" GinaAnn asks.

"Of course. Can I have your names?"

"GinaAnn Riggs and Savanna Mills."

"Okay..." she mumbles, scribbling something down. "And the patient's name?"

"Jeanette Davis."

"Alright awesome! And again, I'm so sorry about the complication."

I shrug as if to tell the lady there's nothing anyone could do. GinaAnn grabs my hand and we walk back out to the car.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, knowing that I'll have to wait another month and a half before I can see my mom.


(A/N): sorry there haven't been any updates in a while on any of my stories

but like...

did y'all see the premiere?!??!!!?

I won't say anything in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, but I am broken and emotionally scarred because of it

anyway that's sort of an explanation to the lack of updates

also my apologies for this shit update I promise the next one is all types of fucked up so yay for that

ttyl survivors💔

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