N i n e t e e n

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One month later

"What's your name?" Jesus hisses, coldly narrowing his eyes at Lydia.

"Lydia," she states, not breaking eye contact.

The screen fades to black and then clips from the mid season premiere start to flash on the TV.

"Great job, Savanna!" GinaAnn exclaims, pulling me into a hug.

My face heats up as the Riggs congratulate me on my first episode airing. I sit awkwardly on the couch and accept the praise.

"Thank you," I mumble bashfully.

My phone dings and I can hear Chris Hardwick's voice on the TV. I pick up my phone and see that there's a text from my brother, telling me to call him. I excuse myself and walk into the kitchen to call my brother.

After a few rings, he picks up, "hello?"

"Hey Jackson. What's up?"

"I saw the episode. You were great!" He congratulates me like everyone else.

"Thanks," I giggle. "I totally nailed that one word."

Jackson chuckles on the other line and sighs. There's a minute of silence before he speaks again.

"There's something else I wanted to say."

"What is it?" I ask, curious.

"Well, there's good news and bad news," he sighs.

My stomach starts to knot up and my nerves kick in. Why does there always have to be bad news?

"I'm gonna give you the good news first, okay?"

"What? Why?" I object. Who tells someone the good news first? You need the bad news first to get it out of the way.

"I just am! okay?" He snaps.

My heart is beating fast and my palms are sweaty. I gulp and wait for Jackson to speak again.

"The good news is, Brenda had the baby."

A smile creeps onto my face and tears sting in my eyes.

"Congratulations," I manage to choke out. "How's she doing?"

"Brenda's fine. Everything went smoothly. The baby is healthy. Twenty inches and eight pounds."

"I can't believe I'm an aunt again," I beam. "How's Sofia adjusting?"

Jackson laughs,"I don't think she quite grasps how much her life is changing. Right now, Sofia thinks Lily is her baby doll."

"You named her Lily? That's a beautiful name."

"Yeah, Lily Marie," Jackson sighs.

"I wish I could be there," I pout. Cold, happy tears fall from my eyes as I smile from ear to ear.

"Are you ready for the bad news?" Jackson interrupts.

"I guess," I sigh. We were so caught up in the baby news, I forgot about the bad news.

"You might want to sit down for this."

"Jackson, for fucks sake. Just tell me," I snap into the phone. My heart is beating so fast, I feel like it might explode.

"Mom has cancer."

Time slows to a stop as I attempt to process Jackson's words.

Mom has cancer.

My heart stops beating. It feel like I need to cry, but no tears come out.

I look down at the ground and see my phone face down on the tile. I don't remember dropping it. I bend down to pick it up. The screen is shattered.

"Savanna? Savanna?" The phone questions.

"Hello?" I squeak, lifting the phone to my ear with shaky hands.

"Savanna, I c-"

"I'm sorry," I cut him off. "I have to go now."


I click the red button on my screen, cutting my finger slightly from the broken glass.

Mom has cancer.

The sentence rings in my brain and my head pounds. Tears finally make their way out of my eyes as I slump down to the ground, my back against the kitchen cabinet.

Footsteps come into the room, but I ignore them.

Mom has cancer.

"Savanna, are you okay?" Chandler shouts, rushing to my side.

I try to open my mouth, but no words come out.

"Why are you on the ground?" Chandler asks, wiping some of my tears.

"My mom-" I manage.

"What about your mom? Is everything okay?"

I shake my head, causing more tears to fall. "Everything is not okay."

Chandler sits on the ground next to me and puts his arms around me. "You can talk to me, Sav."

"My mom has cancer," I blurt and start sobbing onto Chandler's shirt.

Chandler strokes my hair and we rock back and forth on the cool tile of the kitchen floor. I don't know what type of cancer or how severe. All I know is my mom has a terminal illness and I'm not there to help her.

"Do you-"

"No. I don't want to talk. Just cry."

To the Moon and Back {Chandler Riggs}Where stories live. Discover now