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I stare at my reflection in the mirror as I wait for Roman to call me. Roman is my hair stylist and one of my best friends. I've known him for what seems like forever, but he's only been my stylist since I started modeling in seventh grade.

"Hey baby girl!" Roman sings.

I smirk at him as he walks over, but return my focus to my 'I heart TWD' magnet that is stuck onto my mirror. Of course, replacing the heart is a crossbow.

"Are they ready yet?" I ask, referring to the camera man who had been having some technical issues earlier.

"About that..." Roman trails, looking away from me, his gold eyeliner glistening in the light.

"What do you mean, 'about that'?" I ask suspiciously. I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms. The smooth material of my robe brushes against my skin, tickling it.

"Quick question." Roman says, nervously rocking back and forth on the heels of his shoes.

I raise my eyebrows at him, waiting for an answer.

"How would you feel about moving to Atlanta?" He blurts out.

"I'm sorry. What?" I ask, hoping I heard him wrong.

"PINK is moving it's headquarters from here, in LA, to Atlanta, Georgia." Roman states, smiling weakly at me.

"And?" I ask, wondering how this affects me.

"And if you want to keep your job, you need to move, too."


"We can't just pack up and move to Georgia, Sav." My mom says as she chops up carrots.

"But I'm gonna lose my job." I plead, "It's not like I want to just leave our life behind and move across the country, but I got this job because of you! When you and dad got divorced and we didn't have any money. Remember that?!"

"Savanna!" My mom scolds, slamming her knife down.

I jump slightly from the noise, but quickly recover and narrow my eyes again.

"When your father left, Jackson was still living here. I think we'll be just fine for a few years. After all, you are still in high school." My mom explains, more calm this time.

My brother was seventeen when my dad left, and a junior in high school. He's twenty five now and married with a 2-year-old, and another little girl on the way.

"Moving to Georgia wouldn't be all bad th-"

"Could you stop associating everything with that stupid show for just one second?!" My mom cuts me off.

"It is not stupid!" I defend.

She caught on to my reference to The Walking Dead, aka: my life, the best TV show ever, and the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"I'm sorry, but we can't move to Georgia. Even if your favorite show is filmed there." My mom says, dumping the carrots into the boiling water.

I hang my head in defeat, knowing I'm about to lose my job, but then an idea comes to me.

"What if you didn't come with me?" I ask, hoping she won't be completely opposed to the idea.

"You are not moving out of the house at sixteen." My mom states.

I sigh, hopping up onto the counter.

The idea of moving to Atlanta isn't all that bad to me. At first, I was opposed to the idea of moving to Georgia to continue modeling, but now it seems kind of fun. I actually almost want to move there. The Walking Dead is filmed there which is awesome and my boyfriend, Cameron, lives there, but mostly because of The Walking Dead.

"Wait!" My mom blurts after about a minute of silence.

Her outburst startles me and I slide off the counter.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"You remember my friend from college, don't you? GinaAnn?" My mom asks excitedly.

"No, mom. I don't. What does she have to do with anything?" I ask, already bored with this conversation.

"She lives in Atlanta. You could stay with her!"

(A/N): hola, survivors! I'm excited!! The prologue is up!! I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I know I am. Please vote and comment. I love you all❤️

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