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I slip on my brown sandals and slap on some makeup. We're going bowling to celebrate me getting the part. By 'we', I mean: Chandler, Brianna, Lizzy, Sam, Grayson, Cameron, and me.

"This isn't too revealing, is it?" Lizzy asks, walking out of my bathroom. She's wearing a simple, black sundress that comes to about mid-thigh.

"No, it's cute. Not too much skin." I reply, finishing up my eyeliner.

"But do you think Sam will like it?" She asks, worry lacing her voice.

"Why do you suddenly care so much about what Sam thinks?" I question, grabbing my purse. I know full well why she cares about Sam's opinion, though.

She keeps her gaze on the floor and twiddles a strand of hair.

"I'm pretty sure he'd rather take you out of that dress than see you in it." I say.

"Savanna!" Lizzy exclaims, punching my arm.

"Let's go," I giggle. "We're gonna be late." She grabs her purse and jacket and we head out to Chandler's car.


At the bowling alley, we get a lane and decide to split into two teams. Boys against girls. Most of us suck pretty bad, but we're having fun and that's all that matters.

I sit next to Lizzy on the bench as Brianna bowls. She only knocks over two more pins than last time. She groans and angrily stomps back over to her seat next to Chandler.

"Y'all suck." Cameron whispers to me, continuing to draw circles on my back. I roll my eyes and get up to take my turn. I get a spare and Lizzy and Brianna high five me when I walk back to my seat.

"We ordered food." Lizzy informs me, standing up to take her turn.

"Nice," I mumble. "Can someone bowl for me? I'm gonna wait for the food." Lizzy says she'll go for me and I walk over to the snack bar.

It's not busy, considering it's a Monday night, so the food doesn't take long. The man at the snack bar slides me a pizza, two orders of wings, and I pitcher of lemonade.

"Need some help?" Someone asks from behind me. I turn and see Chandler rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure. Thanks," I reply, grabbing the wings. I turn around so fast that the ranch dressing spills onto Chandler's shorts.

"Shit," Chandler mumbles, staring down at his shorts.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" I apologize, grabbing a handful of napkins. I quickly start to wipe the blob of ranch off Chandler's shorts when I realize how awkward this must look. I look up at Chandler who's staring down at me. My face heats up and I quickly get to my feet.

"Sorry," I whisper, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"It's okay," Chandler chuckles, grabbing the pizza and lemonade. "Let's get this food back. They're getting impatient."

I giggle and grab the two trays of wings and follow Chandler back to our lane. I set the food on the table and plop down next to Lizzy, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Lizzy leans over to me and whispers, "It kinda looked like you were sucking his dick."

"What?" I blurt. "You saw that?"

"The whole thing," Lizzy states proudly.

"Oh my god." I mutter. My face heats up again.


"Y'all cheated anyway." Brianna states from the front seat. Lizzy decided to ride home with Sam, so it's just Grayson and I in the back. Cameron had to leave early to pick up his little sister from her ballet thing.

"What? How did we cheat?" Chandler questions, keeping his gaze on the road. The boys ended up winning by about seventy points. Not sure how.

"You did have one extra person," I chime in.

"And we had less turns," Grayson counters. I shrug and we drive the rest of the way home in silence.

At home, I say goodnight to Brianna and the guys and go straight to sleep. Not because I'm exhausted, but mostly to try and forget the awkward encounter Chandler and I had at the snack bar.

To the Moon and Back {Chandler Riggs}Where stories live. Discover now