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"Savanna, get up!" Katelyn yells, smacking me with a pillow.

"It's too early!" I groan, turning over in the bed.

"I need help setting up my booth," Katelyn pleads, rocking me back and forth until I get out of bed.

We're in a hotel in Boston for Walker Stalker Con and apparently we need to set up our booths two hours prior to the start of the convention. I obviously don't have one because no one even knows I'm on the show yet. I'll probably just be helping out Chandler and Katelyn with pictures and fans and stuff like that.

After I get dressed in simple black leggings and a white t-shirt, we hurry to the convention center to set up.

"Are you seriously charging people sixty dollars for a selfie?" Katelyn questions Chandler.

I look over at the prices on Chandler's booth and then to the ones at Katelyn's. "Katelyn, you're charging forty."

"That's what the sign says, but I'll probably just let people take selfies if they want," Katelyn shrugs, sitting down at her booth. That's really nice of her.

Chandler rolls his eyes and takes a seat behind his booth. "She just wants people to like her better than me," Chandler whispers as I sit down next to him.

"People already like her better than you," I retort.

He rolls his eyes again as fans begin to trickle in and line up.


"It was nice meeting you," Chandler calls as two girls leave his line. They wave and giggle to each other, making me smile.

It's been a long day of watching Chandler and Katelyn sign autographs, take pictures, do panels, and occasionally sing.

There's been a lot of fan girls and one girl actually recognized me from a magazine or something and asked me to sign her picture as well. It made me feel special.

"I think things are starting to wind down for today," Chandler says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you wanna go out to eat or something?"

I'm about to respond when I look up from my phone and find myself inches away from Chandler's face. It's like I'm hypnotized and his eyes are beckoning for me to stare longer. His eyes are so crystal clear, I feel myself drowning in them. I try to look away, but I can't.

"Savanna?" Chandler speaks up, yanking me from my thoughts. "Are you okay?"

I rip my eyes away from his and shake my head. "Yeah, sorry. I'm fine. Dinner sounds good." I feel guilty knowing my boyfriend is back in Georgia being faithful to me and I'm here making up fantasies about my coworker.


"This place looks pretty good," Chandler shrugs as we walk into a restaurant.

"It has four and a half stars on Yelp," Katelyn states as we walk to a booth.

We order food and drinks and just talk. We talk about a lot of stuff. The show, our families, school, even some personal stuff. I tell them about my brother and his wife who's having a baby in December. And I find myself telling them really personal stuff that I've only ever talked about with Lizzy. I haven't even really ever talked to Amanda about my dad, but here I am telling my life story to Katelyn Nacon and Chandler Riggs.

"I'm thinking about doing a live stream," Chandler blurts, almost making me choke on my tea.

"You haven't done a live stream in forever!" I exclaim excitedly. I used to live for Chandler's live streams. It was like I was really watching him play video games. Not just me and Lizzy fangirling on opposite sides of the country.

"I know. Which is why I want to do one soon. It's been too long," Chandler laughs, taking a bite out of a mozzarella stick.

I let out a squeal of excitement, causing Katelyn to give me a funny look, and text Lizzy. She's going to flip.

I feel like the chandom isn't what it once was, but we're slowly starting to repair it.

"Who're you texting?" Katelyn asks, sipping her drink.

"My friend Lizzy. She-"

"That girl Sam's into?" Chandler cuts me off.

My heart skips a beat. Did he just say that Sam is into Lizzy? This day just keeps getting better and better.

"What did Sam say about Lizzy?" I ask, attempting to play it cool.

"I don't know. Something about her being funny and hot," Chandler shrugs as if this isn't the biggest deal on earth.

"Is that so..." I mumble, rapidly texting Lizzy.

Suddenly, I can't wait to get back to Georgia.

To the Moon and Back {Chandler Riggs}Where stories live. Discover now