T w e n t y F i v e

227 14 16

One month later

I sit in English, trying to stay awake. There's only a few more days left of school before spring break. I just need to get through this week before I can visit my mom and my brother.

My hand slips out from underneath my chin, causing me to perk up again. I squint my eyes at the board, attempting to pay attention, but I can't stay awake. I raise my hand and wait to be called on.

Mr. G notices, so I point to the door and he excuses me.

I slowly walk to the restroom and splash some water on my face.

"Um? Excuse me?" A timid voice comes from one of the stalls.

"Need some toilet paper?" I ask, walking to a stall to get some.

"Uh no, but I do need some help," she asks almost as if it's a question.

"Um... okay..." I mumble nervously.

The stall door opens and Zoey waddles out, clutching her stomach.

"Oh my god, Savanna. Thank god it's you- shit!" She screams, grabbing her stomach again.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worriedly.

"How do you know when you're about to have a baby?"

"Are you fucking serious?" I snap, not completely sure if she's joking or not.

"No, but like last night I woke up and I thought I wet the bed because my sheets and comforter were really wet, but now I think it was because my water broke. And I've been having these really sharp pains in my lower belly so I don't know."

"Are you fucking- Zoey! You need to go to the hospital," I yell in a whisper voice so no one in the hall hears.

"Fuck!" She shouts again, grabbing onto the stall door.

"Are you sure you're in labor? When's your due date?" I ask skeptically while I pace the floor.

"I'm not due till March twenty fifth!" She objects.

"Zoey?" I breath, trying not to explode.


"It's March twenty fucking second!" I snap.

"Well, I thought I could hold it in."

"Oh hell no. I'm not doing this. Let's go," I state as I walk towards the door

"Wait. Please don't go," Zoey cries.

I sigh and turn back around, not completely sure what my plan is. Zoey sits down on the ground with her back against the wall, breathing really loudly.

"I'm getting the nur-"

"I said don't leave!" Zoey snaps.

"What the hell do you want me to do? You're literally giving birth in the school bathroom!"

Zoey winces in pain and starts to cry again. "I don't know what to do," she sobs.

"I'll call an ambulance," I suggest, feeling around my pockets for my phone. But of course I left it in the classroom.

"Where's your phone?"

"I left it. Just um... shit. Okay. Pull you pants off," I order. I don't have a plan whatsoever, but I'll just wing it and hopefully I won't kill anybody.

"Ow ow ow!" Zoey cries.

I grab a handful of paper towels and lay them on the floor underneath Zoey. She has tears running down her face and I can't help but feel sorry for her.

"What do I do now?" She asks. Her voice is laced with fear.

"I don't know. Push I guess." I put my hands underneath her and turn away because I don't need to see what's about to happen.

Zoey doesn't scream or shout like I expect her to and after a couple minutes, I feel something heavy and slimy in my hands. I flinch and nearly drop the poor thing.

"It's not crying. Why isn't it crying?" Zoey asks panicked.

"Oh my god," I whisper, finally taking a look at the baby.

"Do something!" Zoey cries.

I pick up the baby and turn it onto its stomach. Using the knowledge I gained from watching The Walking Dead twenty four seven, I lightly tap the baby's back. When that doesn't work, I turn it over and rubs its chest. A loud cry rings through the bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief and wrap the baby in some paper towels.

"It's a boy," I tell Zoey as I hand him to her.

"Oh my god," she beams, smiling widely at her son.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes and I'm not sure why. I don't even like Zoey, yet I basically just delivered her baby.


I sit in the office with Chandler by my side. He rubs circles on my back and I twiddle my thumbs, waiting for GinaAnn to pick us up.

One of the teachers must've heard the baby crying in the restroom because they sent one of their students to check it out. When she found us, we used her phone to call an ambulance and then she got the nurse.

Zoey and her son were taken to the hospital and the office called GinaAnn to come pick me up. I guess they thought I shouldn't stay at school after what I just experienced.

"Oh my god! My poor baby," GinaAnn shouts as she bursts into the main office. She engulfs me in a hug then quickly pulls away after realizing that I'm covered in baby blood and vagina juices.

"Can we go home?" I mumble, feeling tears about to come on.

"Of course. Let's go guys," GinaAnn says softly.

Chandler and I grab our stuff and walk out to the car with GinaAnn. He sits in the backseat next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder as a tear escapes my eye. He kisses my forehead and I squeeze my eyes shut tight to prevent more tears from escaping.

I really hope Zoey and her son are okay. I still can't believe she actually gave birth in the school bathroom. I'm pretty sure I'm scarred for life and I'll probably never have kids after that.

Chandler starts to run his hand through my braids and sleep begins to take over.

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