Ch. 1

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Will's heart broke.
"No," He murmured. "No I...I can't accept that!"
The doctor lowered his head.
"I'm terribly sorry, Ranger Will. There's just...not much of a chance for him anymore."
Will's breath came in ragged spurts. Emotions flooded his thoughts, his mind exploding in painful senarios.
What if he couldn't save his friend? What if he lost his closest shot at family. He'd already lost Alyss, what more could he handle? Not this.
In seconds, Will was out his door and on Tug, racing through the woods.
He knew this day was coming. Everyone did. But nobody, not one person, would ever regret it more than Will.
Barely a minute later, Will was in town. From there, only one glance was needed for him to find the hospital. Before Tug had even came to a complete stop, Will was dismounted and barging through the door.
"Where is he?" The Ranger boomed. Immediately, an elegant figure stood.
"Will," Pauline sighed. "Thank heavens."
Will shakily made his way to the retired Diplomat. As he walked, he began doubting his own strength. Could he handle what he knew was about to appear before him.
The answer was no.
There, on a mat and sleeping fitfully, was retired Ranger Halt. Araluen's greatest legacy. Will's own mentor. Will's own friend.
The only family Will had ever known.
And he was dying.
Will sank to his knees and shook violently. Pauline knelt beside him.
"Will, I know it's hard but he wanted to see you." She soothed. Will only nodded and took Halt's hand.
For several seconds, there was only silence. Then, Will found his voice.
It wasn't an attempt to arouse the Ranger. It was simply the only word Will could choke out. Even saying his name proved to be a challenge now, seeing him so sick.
"They don't understand. It's a sickness all new to their knowledge. They don't know what to call it..." Pauline's voice trailed off, but Will finished her thoughts.
"Or how to fix it." He said. Pauline nodded.
"He's old, Will." She said. "It's highly unlikely he can fight it off, and if there's no one to tell us a cure..."
Will refused to except it. Halt was indeed old, and if he'd decided it was his own time, even Will could've tried to accept it.
But not this. Halt had survived a murderous brother, an impossible war, thousands of missions, two apprentices, Skandia, Genovesan poison, and living with Pauline for years.
A simple sickness was not worthy of Halt's life.
"No." Will said firmly.
"Pardon?" Pauline asked, shocked at his sudden reaction.
"No." Will repeated. "There is one person who will know the cure."
"Will?" Pauline asked, trying to sound reasonable. But Will could easily hear the hope in her voice.
"Halt," Will bent down to whisper in his mentor's ear, hoping he was hearing the words. "Hang on. I'll find a cure. I will save you."
He looked back at Pauline. "Keep him strong." He said.
"Always," she replied, looking confused.
But Will didn't answer. He ran out the door to begin his new, self-decided mission.

You guys...I hope this is worth it...because man am I about to cry my eyes out! ;(

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