Ch. 4

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An hour of goodbyes and packing, and Will and Maddie were on the road.
"So, what's the mission? Did Gilan give it to you in person, and that's why you had to come all the way here?" Maddie shot question after question as they exited the castle gates. She was older and more mature now, but she was still very inquisitive.
"No," Will replied in exasperation. "I came to, ah... ask for this mission personally. And it proved to be bigger than I'd imagined. So I asked for you."
It wasn't exactly the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie either.
"Oh," Maddie said.
Silence spread over them for a few seconds. Only seconds. Then, Maddie piped up.
"Where are we going? Our extra cloaks are different colors. I assume it's snowy?"
Will grumbled. "We're going to Macindaw to find an old and very good friend of mine. Any more questions?"
Maddie looked at him sidelong.
"Is everything alright?" She asked, suddenly less cheery.
Will didn't answer. Instead, he increased Tug's speed. Maddie did the same to Bumper, but didn't speak.
The ride was slow and quiet for hours. Nothing happened, besides several travelers making nervous greetings to the two of them. Rolling hills and busy towns passed by. Soon, Will and Maddie found their way to the long meadow that would stretch for hours and hours, into the next day.
Finally, when the sun was going down, Maddie spoke again.
"Will?" She tested.
"Yes?" He replied softly. His mood seemed to have inproved.
"There's something you aren't telling me." It wasn't a question. Will could see in her eyes that Maddie knew he was hiding something.
He halted Tug and dismounted.
"We'll camp here, at the edge of these woods for the night." He told Maddie, ignoring her last statement.
Maddie dismounted as well. Will checked her posture out of the corners of his eyes. She was nervous, uncomfortable even. But then, who wouldn't be, in her potision. He knew it wasn't fair to keep her in the dark. But he couldn't bring himself to talk about Halt again, or his quitting.
Both of them laid out their bedrolls and Will set to making a fire.
"Why don't you go get some water?" Will suggested. Maddie didn't reply. She picked up a bucket and dissapeared into the woods.
What else was he to do? Will sank deep into thought as he started their dinner. He himself couldn't handle facing Halt's possible death. What makes it his place to say Maddie could handle it any better? Of course, he knew how strong she was. But this was Halt who was sick. She wasn't ready, Will was convinced of that.
And his oakleaf...
"There. Any other chores?" Maddie said calmly as she sat the water bucket beside Will. He looked up at his former apprentice. He jaw was set in defiance, but not like the petty Princess she used to be, who was determined to get her way. This was a different type of defiance. Maddie wanted to know what was going on, and she knew she was right in wanting to know.
Will sighed.
"Maddie," He began, but she cut him off.
"Will, I know you think you're protecting me. But I'm a Ranger now. I am a grown woman. I can handle whatever it is. And I need to know. Do you expect me to go through this mission in the dark?"
No, I don't, Will realized she was right, and that he would never find any time to be the "right" time. Better now then never.
"Halt is dying." He spat before he could change his mind.
Maddie's face slackened in disbelief. She stumbled back a few steps.
"He...what?" She choked.
"He's sick, and they don't have a cure. There's only one person I know of who can help him, and they live in Macindaw."
Maddie took several hard breaths.
"Halt can't die." She stated simply. "Not by...not after all he's been through. Not by some little disease."
Will felt the first wave of comfort he'd felt since Halt had gotten sick. Maddie understood. When no one else saw where Will was coming from, Maddie did. And he was overly greatful for her.
"Right." Will said, determination shining in his voice.
"So you need me because?" The question hung in the air for several seconds as Will gathered his thoughts.
"Because," He said slowly, "We might run into some situations that only a Ranger's authority can get us out of."
Maddie stared at Will as he poorer two bowls of stew. He sat one down in front of himself, and the other beside him. Maddie took her place and began to eat slowly.
"But, you are a Ranger." She said between bites of food. Will shook his head.
"Not anymore. Gilan...he couldn't see the importance of this mission. He forbid me to go, so I-" Will's voice broke, but Maddie already understood.
"You had to quit the Corps in order to save Halt," she finished.
Will lowered his gaze and nodded.
"It was the only choice," He said weakly.
Minutes passed before Maddie spoke again.
"We should get some rest." She said once she'd finished eating. "You've had a long past few days, apparently. I'll take first watch."
Will gave a small smile of gratitude and made his way to the bedroll.
They would do this. They had to. There was no failing.
With that thought in mind, Will drifted to sleep.

Is it moving to fast? Too slow? How is the speed of the events? More detail? Less detail? How are the descriptions?

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