Ch. 21

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"It's a shame we can't go anywhere," Will said.
Halt and Horace sat across from him, the day that Horace was set to leave for Araluen.
"Here is fine." Halt replied. Horace nodded in agreement.
Will looked away. He wanted to get up and move around. But his body simply wouldn't let him. He couldn't even try. It was too hard.
The three of them sat in silence before Gilan walked in.
"Horace?" He asked quietly, in case Will had been sleeping.
"Yes?" Horace replied.
"I hate to bring bad news, but your escorts are ready to leave."
Horace sighed. Will looked at his friend, amused.
"An escort?" He teased. "Getting fancy, are we?"
Horace rolled his eyes. "Don't get me started."
Will chuckled and smiled sadly.
"Ride safe, Horace." He said.
Horace looked at Will and squeezed his shoulder as he stood.
"And take care of yourself, Will." Horace replied.
Will nodded. "Can't disobey the King." He said, eyes sparkling.
Horace shook his head.
"Don't do it for a king, Will." He said. "Do it for a friend."
Will nodded and lowered his gaze.
"Ah," Horace said uncomfortably. "Cassandra asked me to give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek for her but..."
Halt and Will laughed together.
"Uh, I'll take the hug." Will said smiling. "You can return the kiss for me."
Horace smiled gratefully and bent down to embrace Will.
After a moment, the knight stood and left. Will watched him go.
Several seconds of silence passed before Gilan took Horace's spot in the chair closest to Will.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Good enough to go home." Will replied. He was serious, but all he got were sad smiles from Halt and Gilan both.
"When you're better." Halt said.
Will rolled his eyes. "I am better."
Halt raised an eyebrow.
"Really?" He said sarcastically. "Can you walk?"
It was the wrong thing to say, because it only gave Will the idea. But Halt knew that. And he knew that Will was going to have to learn the hard way.
Will, in turn, was determined to prove Halt wrong. He could walk. Easy.
He swung his legs over the side of the bed and tenderly put pressure on his legs. They were stiff and sore, but that was all.
It was his head he had to watch. And he knew that.
So far, his vision was clear. No naseau had struck him. He was doing good.
A glance at Halt told Will that he wasn't convincing them yet. Gilan just sat by quietly.
Slowly, Will rose to wobbly legs. He shook in place, but didn't fall.
One step, two steps. In seconds, he was walking slowly to the door. He glanced back at Halt, hoping for a look of surprise or convincement.
Instead, all he saw was the man's eyebrow raised again.
Will was to the door now, and Gilan and Halt had moved to stand behind him. They knew where he was going.
The bright sunlight was blinding, and the heat was pressing. Will covered his eyes to allow them to adjust slowly.
Eventually, Will could see clear enough to walk more.
Several steps later, Will was jerked back by his shirt.
"Hey!" He cried, stumbling into Halt.
"Oh my apologize." Halt said, sacrastic as always. "Would you like to have stepped in that large hole?"
Will grunted but didn't reply. He walked several more feet, and was going to speak again, but something stopped him. A wave of dizziness flooded his mind. He couldn't see, eveyone's words sounded slurred together, and the ground became the sky.
"Will?" He heard someone say, though he didn't know who it was and it sounded like his name was being repeated over and over again.
In a desperate attempt to stay upright he reached out his arms. Two pairs of hands grabbed him, and one touched his right wrist.
Confused and now in pain, Will screamed. He heard someone say something about a nurse, and the hands to his left released him. Will took several deep breaths and forced his hearing to come back.
"Will? Can you hear me?" Halt was saying. His voice was desperate, liked he'd been repeating the phrase with no answer for several minutes. Which he had.
"I can hear you, Halt." Will said.
What happened next was too fast. Overcome with naseau, Will bent forward and heaved. Halt jumped back. And before he could reach Will again, Will tumbled on his side and passed out.

I'd like to say in advance; what happens next is going to be painful. The feels may overwhelm. I'm sorry in advance. Read at your own risk.😕

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