Ch. 6

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Horace knocked on the door in front of him.
"Come in," a weary voice said. Horace stepped through the doorway.
Gilan sat at his desk, piles of paperwork surrounding him. But he wasn't working on them. He was sitting with his head in his hands, rubbing his temples.
"Gilan?" Horace asked. The Ranger Commandant looked up.
"Good afternoon, King Horace." He said, standing to shake hands. "What can I help you with?"
Horace took a seat in the chair across from Gilan.
"You look troubled." He stayed, ignoring Gilan's question.
"I assume you heard about Will?" He asked. Horace nodded.
"That's why I'm here."
"There's nothing I can do to give him his oakleaf back, Horace." Gilan ran a finger through his hair. "He quit. As far as I know, that settles the matter."
"I understand that," Horace said. "But Will isn't the type of Ranger you can just lose. It's going to effect the whole Corps."
Gilan nodded. "I know."
There was silence in the room for several seconds.
"He took Maddie with him." Horace said finally.
Gilan snapped his head up.
"When Will came to tell me about where he was going, he asked for Maddie's help. They left about two days ago."
Gilan sighed. "I suppose I should have known he'd do that."
"They'll be fine, Gilan."
"It's not them I'm worried about." Gilan replied.
Horace didn't answer. They both knew who Gilan was thinking of, but neither felt like talking about it.
Horace sat staring at the floor while Gilan stacked up a pile of unfinished paperwork.
"I wish I could be there with him," Gilan admitted. "But there's just so much happening."
Horace thought of the unfairness of it all. Gilan was Halt's first apprentice. As much as Will loved Halt, Gilan loved him all the same. Now, being the Ranger Commandant, he couldn't even be there as his mentor, and friend, was dying.
"This isn't right," Horace decided.
Gilan turned to him in confusion.
"There are many things that aren't right, King." He said. Horace shook his head.
"Halt is your mentor and your friend. You should be there with him now."
"I agree," Gilan said. "But as I mentioned before-"
"Oh, to Skandia with the paperwork. As King, I have an urgent mission for you, and it is much more important than this nonsense." Horace gestured to the desk. Gilan, still not able to believe what was happening, stared at the King.
"Horace?" He said quietly.
"Halt is a very valuable advisor to me, and to Duncan before me. I need you to check up with him in person. Keep him strong until he gets better." Horace made sure Gilan understood the hidden meaning behind the last words.
"Horace..." Gilan stumbled on the words. "I...thank you."
"Keep him strong, Gilan." Horace said before standing. "Don't let him give up."
They shook hands, and Horace left the office.
Sometimes, being King had its advantages.

So, I'm trying to find ways to fill to void while Maddie and Will travel to Macindaw. I don't want like, five chapters to be like "they rode on" And then have to skip like a month.

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