Ch. 14

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The journey home dragged on, seeming like three months rather than one.
Madonna talked nonstop. At first, Will had been interested in learning about her life.
According to Madonna, her father and mother had met years before Malcolm had went into hiding. Her mother had been an herbalist, making several types of medicines. Malcolm had seen her nearly every day, as a doctor. Then he'd went to live in the Healer's Clearing. But he had apparently snuck out to marry and have a child with his love. Madonna had grown up not knowing her father until about a year ago, long after her mother died and only a year before her father died.
But they'd spent about a month growing close. After that, Malcolm had begun to teach Madonna of his knowledge. By the end of the year, she had every sickness and cure he could remember written in her books.
She had them with her now, in case she could not identify Halt's sickness immediately.
Will had listened intently as she spoke of her recent years. But eventually, she began to rambled about things that neither Will nor Maddie understood, and both were getting annoyed.
Thankfully, they were nearly to Redmont castle. They'd make it in a mere half hour.
"Have I told you the story of my first pet?" Madonna said, breaking the peaceful silence.
"Ugh!" Maddie grunted, dropping her shoulders and head against her saddle horn.
Madonna ignored this and continued.
"It was a fat little pig, wandered off from home. I saved him, you know. Lonely little fellow, he was."
Will closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.
"Uh, yes Madonna. Very fascinating, but I-" He said before Madonna cut him off.
"I named him, though I can't recall what it was now. He was a funny fellow, always covered in mud. Once, he tracked dirt into the house, and Mother threatened to make pork chops for dinner that night."
"Will make it STOP!" Maddie begged, now banging her head on the saddle. Bumper snorted in agreement.
"Yes, how amusing. But-" Will tried again. Madonna, however, was not finished.
"I believe we had bacon the next morning. I was told he ran away..." she said, looking into the distance.
Will and Maddie shared an exasperated glance.
"How sad," Will said bluntly.
"Will!" Maddie cried. He looked to his former apprentice in shock. "We're here!"
Will turned in his saddle and gazed at the sight before him. Never in his life had he felt so relieved to be home.
"Let's go," He said, sending Tug off in a gallop. Maddie followed suit, as did Madonna, though she was not as graceful and the others.
It took less than ten minutes to reach the infirmary. Will slid off his horse before Tug even came to a halt. Maddie slowed Bumper and did the same. Madonna came farther behind and practically fell off her white mount.
Will and Maddie stood before the door, staring at the building. They'd made it. Finally, they'd made it.
"Ah," Madonna said quietly. "I hate to interrupt this moment, but are we just going to stare at the door, or actually go in it?"
Will cleared his throat and walked into the infirmary. Immediately, he looked at the bed where Halt had been before. A cold fist wrapped around his heart as he realized that nobody was there. Halt was not in the bed, and Gilan, Jenny, or Pauline were nowhere to be seen.
They couldn't be too late, could they?
"Ranger Will?" A woman's voice said behind him. Ignoring the incorrect title, he turned to face her.
"Yes?" He croaked.
"Are you here for Ranger Halt?" She asked.
Will swallowed. "I am."
"He's out in the market with Lady Pauline. They were grabbing some fresh air." She said.
Will sighed and relaxed his muscles before running out to the market. His eyes scanned every store and table before he found a gray-haired man sitting next to an elegant woman.
"Halt," He breathed. Forgetting Maddie and Madonna, Will raced to his mentor's side and buried him in a hug.
"Halt! You're up, you're out of bed!" He cried in delight.
"What the blazes is this!" Halt's muffled voice complained. "Are you trying to suffocate me!"
Pauline stood and laughed.
"Will, I'm so glad to see you!" She said, a warm smile spreading across her face.
Will released Halt and moved to embrace Pauline.
"Hello, Pauline. Glad to see you too!" He said.
By now Maddie and Madonna were standing behind Will.
"Will?" Halt asked, a drastic change in his tone. "Where's Malcolm? Who's this?"
Will dropped his head, reluctant to speak of their old friend's death.
To his surprise, he didn't have to. Madonna stepped forward, laying a hand on Will's shoulder. He gave her a look of shock and thanks.
"I am Madonna." She told Halt. "Malcolm was my father. He died peacefully a few months ago, and he left all of his knowledge to me."
Nobody spoke, letting Halt take the news as he would. Will was relieved to see sadness, but also acceptance. Halt knew Malcolm was old, and the fact that he hadn't been in pain was a soothing comfort.
"His daughter." Halt said, choosing to move on. "I wasn't aware he had one."
"None of us were," Will said. "He had a wife, all these years. She was an herbalist."
Halt barked out a laugh. "Fitting!" He admitted.
Madonna decided it was time to get to work.
"Halt, I need to know the side effects of the sickness you have. Any weezing, trouble breathing, soreness or nausea?" She asked, opening a leather book.
Usually, Will would expect Halt to swat off her concern. But even the stubborn mule of a Ranger knew this was serious.
"Soreness, difficulty breathing. No nausea, but I do get dizzy from time to time."
Madonna nodded and scratched the information down.
"Any problems with your sight or shaking uncontrollably?" She asked.
"No." Halt replied.
"Good. And your bowel movements?"
Halt blinked. "My what?"
Madonna looked up. And glanced to Will, clearly uncomfortable.
"Um," she said slowly. "Your... your bowel movements..."
"What in Gorlog's name are you blabbing about?" Halt said.
Again, Madonna looked at Will.
"Would you like to...?" She said, gesturing to Halt.
Will's eyes widdened.
"Me?" He asked, suprised. "Oh, sure. Um, well Halt, bowel movements is a doctrine term for...well...going to the bathroom."
Nobody spoke. It was, to say the least, the most awkward situation they'd been in.
For as much as the famous Halt O'Carrick was talked of throughout Araluen, one thing that was never discussed was his bathroom schedule.

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