Ch. 33

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It was the day. Gilan and Maddie were about to leave for Castle Redmont. Will, Halt, and Pauline sat at a table nearby. Blaze and Bumper were standing behind their owners, waiting patiently.
"Where'd Jenny get to?" Will asked Gilan.
"She had a few things to grab." Gilan replied, trying to hide a smile.
Halt raised an eyebrow.
"Things?" He asked. Gilan nodded and opened his mouth to explain, but Jenny came running around the corner at that moment.
"Wait!" She cried. "I'm here, I'm coming!"
"What's this?" Will asked, watching as the blonde chef rounded the corner with several bags overflowing.
"Ah, Halt..." Gilan said uncomfortably. "Do you remember months back, when you asked if Jenny and I were going to make you wait until your deathbed before we..."
His voice trailed off. Will looked at Halt in confusion, but found that the old Ranger was only smiling broadly. The expression took Will aback.
"Indeed." Halt said.
"Would somebody please explain to me what is happening?" Will pled.
"Will," Jenny chuckled, walking over to lay a hand on Gilan's chest. "We're getting married!"
Pauline stood and wrapped her arms around the couple.
"How perfect!" She cried. Halt and Will stood as well.
"Congratulations," Will said, embracing Gilan. "Brother." He added. Gilan pulled back and smiled.
"Will, you must come to the wedding!" Jenny cried, pulling Will into a crushing hug.
"Of course!" Will said, gasping for breath. Finally, he pulled back. Halt and Pauline continued to congratulate the couple, but Will found Maddie standing off to the side and approached her.
"Maddie," He said sternly. "I remember your decision, and I just wanted to let you know that-"
"I've decided, Will." Maddie cut in. Will watched her carefully.
Maddie knew Will couldn't remember anything from when he was amnesiac. He could remember all the way up until he fell in front of the infirmary, and he remembered waking up after his memories came back, but he couldn't remember in between. So he didn't remember giving Maddie any advice.
"Someone close told me once that being a Ranger and being Queen aren't so different." She said. "It know that's true, and I know the only reason I ever considered leaving the Royal family is because I wanted to follow you instead of my mother. I have decided that being Queen is my role in life. And it's a blessing, not a curse. It's time I stop treating it as such."
For a moment, neither of them moved. Then Will lunged forward and pulled Maddie into a hug.
"I'm so proud of you, Maddie." He whispered.
Maddie smiled and whispered back. "Thank you."
After several long seconds, they parted and the group reunited.
"Well, so long!" Gilan said. He and Jenny were riding double on Blaze. Maddie mounted Bumper.
"Travel safely." Will said. Gilan nodded and turned Blaze, but quickly turned back.
"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Almost forgot." From inside his cloak, Gilan pulled out a small brown package.
"You'll be needing this," He said before he and Maddie trotted away. Will watched them until they dissapeared into the horizon. When they were gone, he opened the package.
His heart melted. The sun caught on the gift perfectly, casting a gleam across Will's face.
In a torrent of emotion, Will Treaty turned, pinning his silver oakleaf onto his cloak.

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