Ch. 20

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"For the last time, I don't need to be kept here any longer!"
Will was tired of the infirmary. Tired of not being able to leave when he wanted. Tired of being fed by nurses. Tired of not being able to care for Tug.
And tired of the concerned look on his friends faces.
He knew they only wanted him to get better. But it was as if every time he sneezed they called for a nurse.
"Will." Halt said sternly. At least he wasn't pampering Will. "Stop that nonsense."
"Halt, you're the one who almost died." Will commented.
"So did you." Halt retorted. "Now quit your crying and let the poor nurse give you your medicine."
Will scolded but obeyed. The nurse shoveled the medicine in Will's mouth and he swallowed reluctantly.
"Any news of Maddie?" Will asked casually as the nurse began to change the bandages on his knees and head.
"A letter came in a few hours ago." Halt said. "She said she's made it to the little town outside Redmont and should be at Macindaw within the month."
Will nodded. A few days ago, right after Will had woken up for the first time, Maddie left to accompany Madonna home. Will had made her promise to write as frequent as possible.
"Good," he replied. "I'd be worried about Maddie, but I'm afraid if Madonna is as talkative as before, we may need to be worried about her instead." Will chuckled. Halt raised an eyebrow.
"Not the quiet type?" He asked.
"Not in the least," Will replied. "I'd say she talks more than Horace and I did when we were- OW!"
The nurse jumped back in surprise.
"What was that for!" Will yelled.
The nurse put her hand on her hips. "I need to take a look at that wrist." She said sternly.
Will looked at Halt, who motioned for him to do as she asked. Reluctantly, Will held the casted hand out.
The nurse moved forward and gently unwrapped the cast. Will had to look away from his arm.
It was bruised and bent awkwardly. He felt sick.
"Will?" Halt asked. "Are you alright?"
Will opened his mouth to talk but quickly shut it again. His stomach flipped.
"Grab him a container." The nurse said quickly. Will heard footsteps leave and return. Will took the container from Halt and heaved into it. He felt Halt's hand rub his back. It calmed him some.
"There, better?" Halt asked.
Will sat the container down gently and fell against his pillow, beaded in sweat.
"No." He groaned.
The nurse laid a wet cloth over his head.
"Just sideaffects of the concussion. Shouldn't be too major. He needs sleep, though." She said before walking away.
"You hear that?" Halt asked Will. "Get rest."
Will nodded defeatedly. He closed his eyes, only have the snap wide open at the sound of a new voice.
"Where is he?" A husky voice asked. He sounded winded.
Will shot up in bed.
"Horace?" He asked.
The knight's eyes snapped to Will and his face brightened in happiness and releif.
"Will!" He cried as he made his way to the bed.
The friends hugged, and Will grunted in pain. Horace jumped back.
"What did I do?" He asked, worried.
"Nothing." Will lied. "How did you find time to come?"
"It wasn't easy," Horace admitted. "Cassandra had to take over for a while. I promises her I'd only stay for a day or two, although she said to take my time. But I can't leave her there alone, you understand."
"Of course," Will said. "You just missed Maddie. She left a few days ago to take Madonna back to Macindaw."
Horace frowned. "Madonna?"
Will glanced to Halt who quickly filled Horace in. When he was done, Horace frowned.
"Maddie went alone?" He asked.
Halt nodded. "She can take care of herself, Horace. She's a Ranger."
Horace nodded but didn't look convinced.
"It's good to see you." Will said, changing the subject. He could see the gray hairs mixed in with Horace's close cropped beard and hair. Being King had definately taken its toll.
"You too," Horace said. "Despite the circumstances."
Will laid back down and stared at the ceiling. "So how's the Castle?"
"Same as always. The battle students are well trained and doing decent, though I have two new students that..."
Will stopped listening as his mind shut down. Slowly, his eyes closed. Darkness felt good. It was relaxing. And before he knew it, Will was asleep.
"...I haven't found a way to stop them yet, but-" Horace continued until Halt elbowed him.
"What?" The knight asked. Halt gestured for him to be quiet and pointed to Will.
"Oh." Horace whispered.
"Let him rest," Halt said quietly. "He needs it."
Horace nodded and sat in the chair beside Will's bed. Halt put a hand on his shoulder.
"He's going to be fine," the old man assured Horace.
"I know," Horace replied.
"He's a fighter. Like his mentor."

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