Chapter - 18

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BTW the pic above is how Justin's hair is currently in the book.... Just thought I'd let you all know.


Faith's POV

I flipped eggs and bacon on the stove and threw them on a plate. I'd woken up early this morning and decided to make Justin and I breakfast. I placed both of the plates in front of the stools on the island and made my way up the long, wooden stair case.

I slowly opened the door to the bedroom and peeked in to see if Justin was still asleep -which he was. I opened the door wide enough to slide my body in and closed the door -making sure it didn't make a noise.

The cold air from the room chilled my legs, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. After all. I was only wearing my undergarments and one of Justin's large T-Shirts. I guess he brought me upstairs and changed me when I was asleep. Weird.

Quietly, I made my way over to his side of the bed.

"Justin." I whispered, tapping his cheek. He groaned a bit, but didn't wake. I wonder why he's so tired. "Justin." I said a little louder as I lightly shook his arm.

"Arrgh." He groaned. I couldn't help but laugh at the weird noise he made.

"Come on Justin." I said as I shook him a little harder.

His honey colored orbs fluttered open as he looked at me. His hair was a mess, but it looked cute.

"Cuddle me." He groaned. Within seconds he wrapped his large, tattooed arms around my waist and pulled me down onto the bed. He laid me down so I was on my back and placed his head on my chest. He draped his arm over my stomach and closed his eyes.

"Justinnn." I whined. "You're laying your head on my boob and it's really awkward." I laughed.

"Um um. Not to me." He said as he kissed my left boob and snuggled his face in it.

"Stop it. That's gross!" I laughed as I tried to push his face away, but failed. "Come on. I made breakfast."

"Jus-just give me a couple minutes." He said as he let out a yawn.

"Then let me-" I tried to say, but he cut me off by pulling me back down after I tried to get up.

"Stay with me." He said as he got back into the position he was in before.

"Fine." I groaned.

We laid there in silence as Justin continued to lay on me. I ran my hand through his hair, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck every once in a while. Justin moaned and leaned closer to me.

Justin let out a long sigh. "I love you." He breathed out. His voice was full of confidence as he continued to snuggle into my breast -which wasn't as awkward anymore.

I stayed silent and continued to run my hands through his hair. I liked how his hair was shorter at the bottom and then got longer at the top.

"Let's go eat, okay?" I spoke up after a while.

"Alright." He let out a disappointed sigh. "Although, I wish we could stay like this forever." He said as he picked me up from the bed and put me down on the floor.

I straightened out the shirt I was wearing and looked up at him.

"Come on, before the food gets cold." I replied. I grabbed his wrist and lead him downstairs and to the island with the plates on it. He sat down after I did and we both dug in.

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