Chapter One

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Hello, world my name is Horizon, just Horizon because my mum and dad abandoned me when I was three years old at some orphanage in San Diego and they didn't leave me with a surname. I'm now four and finally, someone decided to adopt me, I just hope they're nice. I was sat in the play room drawing, or scribbling as the older girls called it when Miss Natalie, the head orphanage lady walked in and crouched down in front of me with a friendly smile.

"Horizon there's a lovely family who want to adopt you."

I put down my paper and clutch the stuffed bunny I'd owned since before coming here, and took Miss Natalie's hand and allowed myself to be led out of the play room. The older girls rolled their eyes in jealousy that I was being adopted, I really wanted to get out of this place. Natalie led me to her office and as we approached I started to feel nervous, what if they didn't like me?

"Miss Natalie what if they don't like me?"

She stops walking and crouches down in front of me, brushing some hair out of my face "you are a very lovely girl Horizon and they'd be stupid not to. Now put on your friendliest smile and say hello to your new family."

I nod and take a deep breath before she pushes open the office door and ushers me inside. There were a man and a woman who beamed me a bright smile that radiated friendliness and made me want to smile back. The woman comes towards me and crouches down to my height.

"Hello Horizon I'm Vivian and this is my husband Victor. Aren't you a beautiful girl?"

I wave shyly before hiding before Natalie's legs. Vivian looks up at her husband who nods and smiles.

"She'll make a perfect addition to the family Viv, the boys will love and protect her."

Vivian puts her hand out towards me and I moved away from Natalie and take her hand.

"Who are the boys?"

Vivian continues smiling and squeezes my hand "Mike and Vic are going to be your big brothers. Mike is seven and Vic is eight. Have you always wanted older siblings Horizon?"

I nod, as long as Mike and Vic were nice to me then I had no problem with having brothers. This orphanage was all girls so I didn't really get to spend a lot of time around boys. The bunny I held was a gift from my birth brother on my third birthday, but I could barely picture his face anymore.

"Go and pack your things Horizon."


It was safe to say that Mike and I were nervous about getting a little sister, what if she was really girly and didn't want to do things with me and Mike? We promised mum and dad that we'd protect her because she was three years younger than Mike. I'd always wanted a sister and was going to be the best big brother ever.

"Boys we're home, come and say hello to your new sister."

Mike jumps off the sofa and runs towards the front door leaving me to trail behind. Didn't see the little girl at first because she was hiding behind mama's legs while Mike crouched in front of her, she must have been overwhelmed by Mike's big personality.

"It's okay Horizon, that's Mike he's one of your brothers so say hello."

The little girl was so small, she had big dark brown eyes and long thick brown hair that came past her waist. Her skin was quite pale compared to ours, but mama mentioned she was originally from England and didn't quite like going out in the sun. Horizon was an odd name but unique.

"Hi Mike."

She steps away from mama and waves at Mike who waves back before opening his arms gesturing for her to hug him. She looks unsure for a few seconds before cautiously moving into Mike's arms. He hugs her and she lets out a little giggle and I felt a pang of jealousy because I wanted her to like me as much if not more than Mike.

"Vic say hello to Horizon."

Mike lets go of Horizon and she wanders over to me with wide eyes and clutching a rabbit toy like her life depended on it. I was only slightly bigger than her so I didn't have to crouch like Mike did who was tall for his age.

"Hello Horizon, I'm Vic your big brother."


Her voice was quiet but cute, we hugged each other. Over her shoulder I could see mama and papa grinning with pride, our family was now complete.  

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