Chapter Three

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~Next Morning~


Mike and Vic were acting odd, well odder than usual. They kept telling me that they loved me and they were proud to call me their sister. I was already going on Warped where they could keep a close eye on me, I wasn't a fragile doll they were going to lose anytime soon. And when I confronted them they denied acting odd and put it down to being excited about Warped. Were they keeping something from me? I would find out one way or another.

"Little Fuentes are you ready? The bus is here."

Jaime pops his head around my bedroom door just as I was zipping up my backpack.

"Yeah, can you get my suitcase please?"

He nods and grabs my suitcase lifting it up as if it weighed nothing when I had overpacked as usual. I put on my backpack and squeeze Jaime's muscles on the way out.

"Damn you're strong, why can't I have muscles like yours?"

"Because little Horizon I workout unlike you. And don't say watching people workout is exercise because it isn't."

Okay, he had a point, I was kind of lazy. I huffed and skipped out of the house leaving Jaime to trail behind only to nearly bump into a stationary Tony who was stood on the drive looking down at his phone. I managed to stop myself and Mike started laughing at me as he stood by the bus which would be my home for the summer.

"We don't need you damaging our turtle sis."

I roll my eyes. Jaime drops my suitcase next to Mike and gets on the bus, Mike puts it in the trailer with the others before closing and locking it.

"Are you ready for Warped Horizon?"

I nod before hugging my brother, "I'm pumped Mike, thank you for finally taking me even if it's only to make sure I don't do anything stupid."

Mike sighs and squeezes me back, "I trust you Horizon, but Vic has always been the protective brother. Remember when he flipped after I paid for your first tattoo and nose ring? We both really do care Horizon."

"I guess your right Mikey, now let's go so I can claim a good bunk."

I squirm out of his arms and run into the bus where Jaime was setting up some games console. Vic was nowhere in sight, so he was either still in the house or in the bunk area. I found him unpacking in one of the bottom bunks because he was even shorter than me we all joked he couldn't even reach the middle bunk let alone the top.

"Mike and I have already agreed to you having no sex on the bus if you and Austin get together, we don't need to hear our baby sister have sex."

I chuckle as I purposely chose the bunk above him and Vic groaned.

"I've heard Mike have sex in the house, you'd think for a drummer he'd be quieter. Plus if I sleep with Austin it will be in his bus Vic."

"No, no, no I didn't need that image in my head. Now I won't be able to look at Mike."

Vic throws a pillow at me but I ducked just in time. Someone clears their throat and both Vic and I look up at Mike before bursting into laughter. Mike scratches his head.

"What's so funny siblings?"

Vic continues to giggle but I was able to calm myself enough to answer Mike.

"Vic told me about the no sex on the bus rule because he doesn't want to hear his innocent baby sister screwing someone. Then I told him how it wasn't fair because I heard you have loud sex all the time in the house Mike, and then he threw a pillow at me."

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now