Chapter Thirteen

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My head was spinning and it felt like my eyelids had been glued together. The last thing I remembered was seeing Kellin have something placed over his face and then my world went black. What about Oli? Had he followed after me? Was he also in danger? Or had he followed my instructions to keep Austin safe? Questions swamped my mind.

Was Kellin still alive? Why did Paul take him? How did Paul get out of prison? Why did he take me? Did my brothers know I was missing? I needed answers, and the only way to get them was to snap out of the daze I was in and get my shit together.

I try to move my hands only to hear metal clanking against each other, I must have been chained to something, the surface beneath me as springy like a mattress of sorts. A sharp stinging sensation runs up both my arms, like something small and sharp was digging into my skin.

"Oh my god Horizon, Austin I think she's waking up."


He sounded okay, his voice was a little hoarse like he'd been dehydrated. However, I could have sworn I heard him say, Austin, I told Oli to go and find my boyfriend.

"Horizon, baby are you okay?"

My heart plummeted in my chest as Austin's familiar voice echoed through the room. Paul would kill him because he was my new boyfriend. I didn't want Austin to be killed because of me.

"Austin, why are you here? I asked Oli to go and find you?"

My eyes slowly adjust to the dimly lit room we were in, we were in a basement. I notice Kellin handcuffed to a pipe to a few metres away from me, while Austin was chained to the end of the bed I was on. He frowns up at me, I knew my voice was blunt and emotionless.

"I rang you and followed your mobile to the woods, Oli never made it to me love. Then someone knocked me out."

He reaches out to touch my hand but I flinch back and scurry as far away from him as I can. His eyes look hurt by my actions, I was just trying to keep him safe. Then I look down at my arms and see two needles in either arm attached to a bag of clear liquid. Paul was drugging me again.

"Why do you flinch from me Horizon?"

I sigh heavily at Austin's question and rest my back against the cold wall.

"Paul's crazy. Even though I ended things with him and got him thrown in jail, he still believes we're together. If there are any cameras in this room he'll be watching us carefully, the more we further ourselves from each other Austin the more painless he'll make your death."

Austin's eyes widen and across the room Kellin gasps. I needed the guys to know just how bad of a situation they were in, and that they needed to listen to me if there was a slim chance of survival. I was our best hope of getting out of here alive.

"So we're going to die?"

Kellin looked like a scared deer in headlights. It was only now that I noticed the bruising across his face and neck, which led to my next question.

"How long have we been here guys?"

"Two days." Austin closes his eyes and mirrors me by resting his back against the wall "Horizon you need to tell us everything so we can prepare ourselves."

That part of my past I wanted to forget, but I owed my boyfriend and best friend an explanation. Maybe we'd find a loophole to give us an advantage. I set about telling them my story from start to finish with tears flowing down my cheeks as I left out no detail.

Ten minutes later I finish recounting my grim tale of drug abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse and rape. Kellin full on breaks down while Austin's face was a mixture of shock and anger towards Paul.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now