Chapter Seven

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Bring Me The Horizon were amazing live and I sang and danced around like an idiot. Oli caught my eye a few times and smiled at my antics. Austin and I even moshed. After getting a few sweaty hugs off the guys I kissed Austin and excused myself to go and help Pierce The Veil's merch guy.

"Horizon when are you coming back to the bus? Last night your brothers were moody."

I sigh and continue folding t-shirts, "I guess when Vic stops being an overprotective douche."

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

I lift my head confused by what the merch guy meant. Only when I followed where he was pointing did I regret looking up, because there stood the brother in question along with the rest of the band. I roll my eyes and go back to sorting out the merch until a shadow looms over me.

"Can we talk sis?"

There was a pleading in Vic's voice.

"We can talk here Vic. Are you going to accuse me of doing drugs again? Also is there something you want to tell me? Any dirty little secrets?"

Vic wasn't the only one to tense, surprisingly the whole band looked scared. Maybe they were keeping a secret from me. I decided to let it drop for now until I had more evidence.

"You don't need to look like you've been caught shitting the bed guys."

"We tell each other everything Horizon, that's what family does."

I plaster a fake smile on my face and stand up before pulling Vic into a hug, he tenses before hugging back.

"I trust you Horizon, and I'm sorry for how I overreacted."

"The Fuentes clan is back together."

Vic and I laugh at Mike who fist pumps the air before tackling the two of us. Someone clears their throat and the three of us look up at the newcomer, it was Oli of all people.

"You dropped this after the set Horizon."

Oli dangles my pass from his hand, my hand's dart to my pocket when I kept it attached to find it missing.

"Shit thanks, Oli."

I detach myself from my brothers and walk over to Oli before taking my pass of him. If what I overheard before was true then what I was about to do would show me just how much Vic and Mike were lying to me. I pull Oli into a hug and he chuckles before hugging me back.

"I didn't pin you for a hugger love."


Over Horizon's shoulder, I smirk as Mike and Vic glare at me. Horizon was the one who initiated the hug not me, did that mean the Fuentes brothers knew who I really was? Oh, this was going to be an interesting interaction.

"Oliver, can we have a word please?"

Hate laced Vic's voice. Horizon pulls away and walks back over to the merch table. I glance at the Mexicans and if looks could kill I'd be dead. Luckily I had my band nearby in case anything happened.

"Sure thing mate."

Vic motions for me to follow him and I do just like the rest of his band. I catch Horizon's eyes and she mouths 'will you be okay?" which made me smile because she was concerned for my safety. I mouth ' I'll be fine' when in actual fact I didn't know what to expect.

I lean against an amp and fold my arms over my chest. It looked like Tony and Jaime were here to watch. Mike and Vic lean against the amps opposite me, none of us wanted to start the conversation so I decided to go ahead and drop a bomb.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now