Chapter Eighteen

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Today was the day the guys were coming back from Warped. Kellin told them that I'd been awake a couple of days which didn't go down well with anyone. But I calmed them down stating it gave the doctors time to run tests to make sure myself and the babies were healthy which put them at ease.

Today was also the day I'd be meeting my birth parents, I'd rung them two days ago and they bought plane tickets straight away. I was nervous but Oli put me at ease saying I needed to hear them out. I wanted a drama free day, but fate had another plan for me.

"How are you mi amor?"

My eyes widen at the sight of mama and papa Fuentes stood in the doorway. I open my mouth to respond but get cut off by mama rushing towards me and crushing me with a hug. What were they doing here? I was still very angry at them for keeping me from my birth parents.

"Err mama, papa why are you here?"

Mama shushes me and puts her hand on my bulging stomach motioning for papa to come over.

"Our little girl has grown up and is starting a family of her own."

"Excuse me, do we have the right room? We're looking for Horizon."

I glance towards the open door and my heart stops for a second, they were here in the flesh, my birth parents. Mama clears her throat seeing as I'd been rendered speechless.

"This is our daughter Horizon. Who are you people?"

"Mum, dad err sorry I mean Carol and Ian."

I didn't mean to call them mum and dad, we hardly knew each other and we weren't at that stage yet. However Carol's face lit up, I guess Oli was telling me the truth when he said she always wanted a daughter.

"You're so beautiful darling, you've grown into a stunning young woman. I missed you so much when you didn't reply to the letter we thought you hated us –"

"How could I hate you when I didn't know the letter existed? Yes, I hate that you abandoned me in America because I wasn't a boy, but I guess I finally know the real reasons behind the decision."

I cut Carol off and she runs over and hugs me, not too tightly but it felt comfortable so I hugged her back. Over her shoulder, I watched mama's face morph into anger.

"So you're the Sykes family? You lost claim on her the day you abandoned her, we raised her into the beautiful and talented young lady she is today."

Carol releases me and turns to face mama.

"Yes, but you kept the letter from her explaining our actions when you promised the orphanage you'd give it to Horizon when she turned eighteen."

I roll my eyes and lie back in bed and watch the scene unfold in front of me. Did Mike and Vic have something to do with mama and papa paying me a surprise visit? They were still on very thin ice.

"She'll always be a Fuentes, she'll never be a Sykes."

I'd never seen this side of mama before, Carol looked close to tears and I knew I had to put a stop to this.


The four adults shuffle out of my hospital room just as Vic, Mike, Oli, Kellin and Austin come into view. Vic and Mike looked pretty guilty while Oli looked confused. I motion for Vic and Mike to approach my bed which they did.

"Err looking good little sis—"

"Can it Vic I know either you or Mike called mama and papa. But I don't know why."

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now