Chapter Nine

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Today was my double date and I was looking forward to catching up with Chris and Ash. I'd been spending a lot of time with Austin and developing friendships with other bands, especially Bring Me The Horizon and I needed some girl time with Ash. Kellin got me up extra early so he could help me get ready, I swear he was better back in the closet, I hadn't even had my morning coffee and he was already bouncing off the walls.

"We apply the lipstick and voila you're ready for your double date little lady. Give uncle Kellin a spin."

I stand up and twirl in a circle while Kellin claps. Once I stop and look in the mirror I was shocked to see how nice I looked. Kellin had picked out a loose summer dress which had a dark tribal print around the top, black gladiator sandals and a matching tribal clutch bag I forgot I even owned. My hair had been plaited down the side of my head and the makeup consisted of a light pink lipstick, a brush of eyeliner, some light purple eyeshadow and a splash of blush to bring out some colour in my pale cheeks.

"I took a tomboy obsessed with skinny jeans and band merch, and turned her into a girl."

Kellin takes my hand and pulls me into the lounge where the rest of the band and Danielle were sat watching TV. He clears his throat and five sets of eyes lock on us.

"Is that baby Fuentes? Damn if Austin wasn't with you I'd wine and dine you."

"Oi down Preciado that's our little sister. Creep on some other girl Hime."

Vic slaps Jaime across the back of the head and stands up with a proud look on his face as he twirls me around.

"Kellin, have you considered quitting music and becoming a stylist?"

Next to me Kellin blushes and hides his face behind his hair.

"Maybe in a couple of years. Doesn't Horizon look pretty for her double date?"

Everyone nods excluding Danielle who still hadn't apologised for yesterday. I reach over the kitchen counter and grab my cigarettes before hugging Kellin.

"Thanks for making me look pretty. Remember keep an eye on Perrentes, also I saw you blush. You'd be the perfect brother in law."

I whisper the last part in Kellin's ear and he pulls back before bopping my nose. Vic hugs me, followed by Mike and then Tony and Jaime decide to get in on the action.

"Knock Austin dead sis."

"Will do Mikey, have a fun day with your turtle."

I never saw Mike's face get so red and flustered as it was now.

"Ah look turtle's also gone red, does he have a little crush on the giraffe?"

Kellin shoots me a what the fuck look as Jaime tackles Tony. I shrug my shoulders and make my escape pecking Kellin and Vic on the cheek. Oh, I hadn't been happier to see the outside world, that was kind of awkward back there. I light up a smoke and sit in one of the deck chairs outside the bus.

"Smoking kills Horizon."

Oli looms over me and plucks the sin stick from between my fingers, smirking as I attempt and fail to get it back off him.

"Give it back Sykes."

He shakes his head and motions to my outfit.

"Going somewhere nice little one?"

"Double date with Austin, Chris and Ash. Do you think the outfits okay? I want to look nice for Austin."

I didn't know why I felt like I needed Oli's approval. If he turned out to be my birth brother then this moment felt like one we should share. Oli motions for me to stand up and twirl and I comply.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now