Chapter Fifteen

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The last person I expected to see again stood in front of me and the other band members. Danielle looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

"What do you want Danielle?"

She folds her arms over her chest mirroring my stance.

"This might be a long shot but Paul always mentioned having a friend he worked with. He said the better drugs were at Mitch's house, Paul might have taken the three of them there."

Oli leaps off the sofa and pushes me to the side, "do you have the address?"

I rub my arm where Oli pushed me quite hard, he wasn't the only one eager to see Horizon, Kellin and Austin again. Danielle writes down the address on a piece of paper which Oli snatches out of her hand.

"Let's go get them back guys."

The bands cheer and start to split up into different cars. I go to follow them when Danielle grabs my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"Vic. I ever expect you to forgive me but I will go and get clean. I hope you find your happiness with Kellin and hopefully Horizon forgives you and Mike."

To say I was surprised would have been an understatement, Danielle sounded sincere and genuine for once. I didn't want to lose touch completely, but right now I had more important issues to deal with.

"Thanks, Danielle, maybe in the future, we can meet up for coffee or something. But now I really need to go and get my sister and friends back."

She nods and lets go of my arm allowing me to run to the rescue party.

~Jump To House~

As the car rounds the corner Mike swears upon seeing numerous Police and Ambulances surrounding the address Danielle gave us. Maybe we were in the right place. But paramedics usually signalled someone was hurt.

"Pull over Mike."

Mike pulls up behind Bring Me The Horizon's car and I see Oli already out and running towards the house. I quickly get out of the car and run towards the house, but like Oli, I was held up by a Police barrier.

"Sorry boys but this house is off limits."

The officer looked super smug and Oli looks ready to murder someone.

"Officer were there two guys and a girl in the house being held, hostage?"

The officer eyes us with caution, "how do you know that kid?"

I try my hardest not to roll my eyes, I hate being called kid when I was in my 30's.

"The girl is Horizon Fuentes, our sister. The tattooed one is Austin Carlile our sister's boyfriend, and the black haired guy is Kellin Quinn, my boyfriend."

Oli stares at me but doesn't question me, instead, he nods in agreement. The officers face drops, what had happened?

"The paramedics are working to stabilise the girl in the basement, she was shot point range in the chest and lost a lot of blood. We had a fight on our hands getting the other two to leave her."

I had no words to describe my current state of mind, Horizon was shot and gun shot wounds could be fatal. Oli squeezes my shoulder and when I glance up at him he has tears in his eyes, our bickering over Horizon seemed pointless now. We both just wanted her to pull through and I knew Mike would also be devastated when he heard the news.

"The two guys are in the ambulances over there."

The officer lifts up the tape and motions for us to go under it.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now