Chapter Seventeen

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This was pure hell, I just wanted to wake up from this stupid coma and get on with my life. My eyes wouldn't open as much as I tried, and my mouth was no better because all I wanted to do was scream that I could hear everything around me.

Kellin had been an angel these last two months staying by my side, reading to me and singing me new songs and a few of my favourites. He'd also spoken to the baby, telling him or her about their mum and dad and how musically and artistically talented they'd be.

I was ecstatic to be pregnant, yes Austin and I hadn't been together very long, but we were in love and I could see myself growing old with him. He Skyped every couple of days to tell me and the baby how Warped was going as well as his recovery. He couldn't wait for the tour to be over so he could be by my side.

Oli, Vic and Mike also Skyped me on a regular basis. Oli to tell me how great of an uncle he was going to be, as well as how the two of us were going to make up for all the lost years. He also hoped that when I woke up I would like to meet my birth parents and younger brother Tom because they were anxious to meet me now they knew I hadn't received the letter instead of me simply blowing them off.

Mike and Vic got the letter from mama and papa and read it to me. It explained how they gave me up because my real dad had some mental illness and it caused him to hate me because I wasn't a boy like Oli. He apparently tried to kill me a couple of times, so when my parents took the trip to San Diego my mum decided for my safety that they'd leave me at an orphanage in hopes I'd be raised by a loving family.

Once dad got better they had Tom, but Oli wouldn't let them forget about their only daughter. They tracked me down at the orphanage only to discover I'd been adopted by a nice family. Mum had always wanted a daughter to do girly things with, and she hoped that on my 18th birthday I'd read the letter and get in touch with them.

Vic and Mike apologised every chance they got despite my lack of response. I assumed they knew about the letter since my 18th birthday, but mama and papa only told them before Warped because they found out Bring Me The Horizon would be there and could put two and two together if he saw me. They told Vic and Mike that they'd lose me if I found out the truth and how I'd leave them for my birth family, a form of blackmail my brothers fell for. When I woke up I'd tell them I forgave them, but mama and papa had lost me.

"Vic told me the other day that he loves me. How can he love me when we haven't spent that much time together?"

I thought Kellic was cute, I'd been a shipper for so long and now they were together.

"He's known you for years, Kell, you've been through a lot together—"

Oh, shit had I just said that out loud.


"Oh my god Horizon...did you just speak?"

I watch her closely and see her hand start to twitch and eyelids flutter open. I jump up from my chair and hit the button by her bed prompting a nurse to run in. She takes one look at Horizon before running out the room shouting for a doctor. A few seconds later I'm ushered from the room while doctors and nurses scramble around Horizon's bed.

She answered my question about Vic. I'd been asking her questions for the last two months with no answer, but now maybe she was waking up. I had to tell her brothers and Austin, then I looked at my phone and realised the three bands would be performing. There were still eight dates left on the tour and if I told them Horizon was awake they would leave and disappoint fans, which I couldn't have and neither would Horizon.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now