Chapter Fourteen

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Kellin's plan was a little out there but Horizon told me we didn't have any choice, it was now or never to make our bid for freedom. Kellin's broken arm meant he could somehow get out of his left cuff giving him a semi-functioning hand. Horizon mentioned that Paul always carried a knife in the back of his trousers for extra protection if she could get him to uncuff her maybe she could dislodge the knife and get it to Kellin.

Paul was obsessed with Horizon so her plan was to flirt with him and talk him into letting her kill men, then when he gave her a gun or knife she'd demand he let Kellin go. Mitch would uncuff Kellin who would stab him, and the while Paul was distracted Horizon would kill him and we'd be free.

I hated that my part in the plan was to do nothing but act like the distraught boyfriend while Horizon flirted with her deluded ex. Sure it was only acting but I was both worried and jealous. Though, if everything went to plan I'd have Horizon back in my arms again.

"Guys I hear something."

Both Horizon and I follow Kellin's gaze towards the stairs and I see the door handle jiggle and unlock. I clear my throat and Horizon and Kellin get ready to put the plan into action


Horizon's screams get the door opened faster and footsteps sound frantically before Paul runs into the basement staring at the three of us in amusement.

"What's going on down here children?"

"I woke up and heard Austin laughing about hurting Horizon's legs, so I told her and now she's scared of him."

If Kellin ever got a role in a film, he'd be the perfect snitch. Paul's eyes light up with excitement as he crouches down in front of a shaking Horizon and strokes her cheek. I rattle the pipe I'm attached to.

"You're sick Paul, tell her the truth. Your friend Mitch hurt her. I love you, baby."

Paul laughs and shakes his head, "I would never hurt you, darling, I gave you medicine to numb the pain. I love you Horizon, not that freak who gets off hurting girls."

Horizon smiles before sniffling, "do you really love me, Paul? My brothers took me away from you and said you were bad. Filled my head with lies."

Wow, Paul was eating out of the palm of her hands, he really wasn't the sharpest tool in the box.

"Did anyone believe I was good darling?"

Horizon bites her lip, "Kellin, he listened to me despite what my family said. I love you Paul and only you. I was forced into a relationship with Austin to try and make me move on."

Paul turns his greedy little eyes to me and smirks slyly.

"Did you hear that pretty boy she never loved you. I'm going to enjoy killing you."

I gulp, this was the moment when the plan could all fall apart. I wouldn't put it past Paul to put a bullet in my head. Behind Paul, I watched Kellin's eyes bulge in genuine fear before he motions frantically with his head towards Horizon who looks out of her mind because of the drugs.

"Wait! Paul."

He turns his attention back to Horizon who matches his sly smirk.

"What is it darling?"

"Can I kill him? Pretty please...he lied to me...I want my face to be the last one he sees before he dies."

Paul quirks an eyebrow before removing a set of keys from his pocket and jingles them in front of me.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now