Chapter Eight

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Warped was amazing so far, I'd had so much fun with my friends and my relationship with Mike and Vic was stronger than ever. The first day off in New Orleans and the three of us spent it together. Now I was moshing to my boyfriend's band in West Palm Beach in Florida and looking forward to another day off tomorrow. Austin and I were going on a double date with Ash and Chris which I was looking forward to.

Danielle was modelling in Florida so was spending the day with Vic, but I also heard from Jaime that Kellin was going to be doing a couple of shows performing King for a Day so he'd be staying on our bus. Which could potentially get awkward because not many people knew Vic was bi as was Kellin, but they both had girlfriends. That didn't stop Danielle getting jealous of Kellic.

Jaime told me he was going to be spending the day catching up on sleep and maybe hanging out with All Time Low. While Mike and Tony were the real mystery, they had been super close recently but managed to convince us all that they were just friends.

I'd also been keeping in touch with Oli and he told me I'd have to meet his wife when she joined Warped in Scranton, Hannah seemed cool and I was obsessed with her tattoos. I'd let the drama go a bit, no one was acting suspiciously but Oli did drop the suggestion that maybe I should contact the orphanage again.

"Thank you, Palm Beach."

Austin screams into the mic making the fans scream back at him just as loud nearly bursting my ear drums. The band runs off stage and like always I was engulfed in a sweaty hug. I didn't mind as much anymore. Austin clears his throat and the rest of the band part like the red sea so Austin could have me all to himself.

"This double date is going to be fun."

He pecks my lips and Alan makes gagging noises behind his back.

"Get a room guys."

"But preferably on Pierce The Veil's bus."

Austin and I joint roll our eyes at Tino, we weren't as loud as they made us out to be.

"I've got to get back to the bus, Danielle and Kellin should be there by now."

I kiss Austin one more time making Tino throw his arms up in defeat, it was fun to mess with him.

"Wait, why's Kellin staying on your bus?"

I guess I hadn't updated them, I meant to but Austin kept me busy.

"Vic invited him to perform King for a Day at the next few shows."

Aaron and Phil wiggle their eyebrows while Alan and Tino giggle like teenage girls. Austin wraps his arm around my waist before making a contribution as to why his band was acting like they were.

"Kellic might just happen Horizon, I mean with Kellin and Katelynne no longer together since Kellin announced he liked dicks as well."

"Austin I'm pretty sure my brother loves Danielle. Why would he invite her on tour for a few days if he didn't want to spend time with her?"

It took a few seconds for me to put two and two together.

"By George, I think she's conned on. I'm so proud of our little girl growing up Austin."

Alan wipes away a fake tear. There was no way Vic invited Danielle at the exact same time as Kellin because he was scared of his real feelings for Kellin. Sure they'd kissed in the past and Vic came out as bi during high school, but he and Danielle were perfect for each other right?

"Kellic will be nothing more than fanfiction guys, now if you excuse me I have to say hello to my friend and my future sister in law."

"Which ones Kellin? I mean Vic clearly tops and when they get married Kellin could be your sister in law."

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now