Chapter Twenty

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Today was mine and Austin's wedding. The twins were two months old and had everyone wrapped around their little fingers. To stop an argument both my dads would walk me down the aisle. But that meant I had two mums fussing over me while I got into my dress and had my hair and makeup done.

I'd let Ash have free run on my hair and makeup and she didn't disappoint, matching it perfectly with my grey wedding dress because no way in hell could I pull off white. Plus Austin and I didn't do things conventionally. 

"Ash you're amazing, damn I didn't even recognise myself

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"Ash you're amazing, damn I didn't even recognise myself."

I pull my best friend into a hug and she hugs me back before playfully pushing me away and straightens her dress. I'd styled her as a lolita doll which she adored. 

"Hands off the good Horizon

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"Hands off the good Horizon."

I roll my eyes at her dramatics. A knock sounds on the door and kellin pops his head around the door, followed shortly by my three brothers.

 A knock sounds on the door and kellin pops his head around the door, followed shortly by my three brothers

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"You look stunning Horizon, damn I promised myself I wouldn't cry

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"You look stunning Horizon, damn I promised myself I wouldn't cry."

Kellin fans his face but is pushed aside by Mike who looks me up and down, not in a creepy way.

"I always thought Vic would be the first one to get married, but you look amazing sis. Austin is a lucky guy."

"Thanks, Mikey, now give me a hug."

I pull Mike into a hug despite protests from my two mums and Ash about ruining my hair and makeup.

"Mama I'm pretty sure Horizon can hug whoever she wants, it's her wedding day after all."

I chuckle and motion for Vic and Oli to come over so I come hug them as well. Kellin refuses on the principal that he agreed with Ash and my mums about keeping my dress looking pretty to make Austin drool.

After a few more minutes of mingling, I know it's time to get the show on the road. Everyone leaves to go and take their seats or line up outside the church doors. I meet my two dads and both of them have tears in their eyes.

"You are going to make an amazing wife Horizon."

"Thanks, British dad."

I hug him before turning to papa.

"Did you ever think you'd be walking me down the aisle papa?"

He nods and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand.

"I did mi amor, Austin is a very lucky man."

The doors open and the band starts playing. The bridesmaids and ushers walk down followed by Kellin and Ash who looked odd standing next to each other but perfect at the same time. Each dad offers me an arm and I loop my arms through them before taking a deep breath, it was my turn to walk down the aisle.

Everyone's eyes turn to me and I catch my first glimpse at Austin, my breath catches in my throat. If I thought I looked good, Austin was damn fine in his suit looking all shiny and sexy.

I kiss both dads on the cheeks and stand in front of Austin who checks me out head to toe making me blush

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I kiss both dads on the cheeks and stand in front of Austin who checks me out head to toe making me blush.

"Wow Horizon, you look amazing."

"You clean up quite well yourself Austin."

~Skip Wedding Vows~

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Austin wraps an arm around my waist pulling me towards him before dipping me and kissing me quite passionately. The whole church starts clapping as I kiss my husband back.

"Hello, Mrs Carlile."

"Hello back at you Mr Carlile."

Austin helps me back to my feet and offers me his arm which I take with a huge smile on my face. We walk back up the aisle with all our friends and family grinning and clapping. Everything bad was behind us, we wouldn't forget the events of the last year anytime soon but now we had our family to think about and how we were going to spend the rest of our days together.

A part of me would always be a Fuentes, another part of me would always be a Sykes. But being a Carlile was a nice change.

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Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now