Chapter Eleven

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I'd managed to track down Mike and tell him off for Austin being high on our date, apparently the new drug dealer had pretty strong stuff. Paul, my ex and also a drug dealer sold powerful drugs but as far as I was aware he was still in prison. I talked Kellin out of telling Vic about Danielle for now, he protested but I mentioned that I had a feeling Vic was growing sick of her and would soon dump her. This made Kellin happy, and he still denied Kellic.

I throw on my favourite Slipknot tank and a pair of cut off shorts with my trusty Vans, I didn't fancy dressing up tonight. Kellin scowled at my choice of outfit as he played with my hair. Austin entered the bus and Kelin threw himself at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Austin, please tell your girlfriend to dress up a little. A band tee isn't glamorous."

"But Austin it's Slipknot."

I walk into the front lounge and give him a twirl before sitting down on his lap. Kellin throws his arms in the air dramatically knowing he'd been beaten. Austin kisses me and runs his fingers along the waist of my shorts.

"Sorry Kells but I'm going to have to agree with my girlfriend, Slipknot is awesome."

"Let's head out then, lovebirds, everyone's already at the party."

Kellin jumps up and Austin and I follow behind him off the bus. But then I remember the task I'd given my friend. I grab his arm bringing him to a swift halt causing Austin to walk into me.

"Kellin, did you stalk Perrentes?"

A huge smile spreads across Kellin's face while Austin looks between the two of us wearing a confused expression.

"Perrentes? You mean like Mike and Tony?"

"Yes, Austin keep up, I did some stalking while you guys were on your date and caught them holding holds. I ship them."

I wanted to squeal with happiness, both Tony and Mike deserved happiness with each other. Austin smiles and shakes his head before linking his fingers through mine.

"I ship Kellic more."

Kellin huffs dramatically before storming off leaving me and Austin in stitches. We laugh all the way to the party which was in full swing. Alan waves us over and hands us a beer before excusing himself. I leave Austin's side when I see Oli arrive with a pretty girl on his arm who I assumed was his wife Hannah.

Across the fire, Kellin shoots me an encouraging smile as he speaks to Vic and Danielle of all people. Oli separates from his band and walks towards me with Hannah hanging onto his arm.

"Horizon, meet Hannah, my wife. She works with tattoos like you, though she probably can't play the drums like you."

"Hi Horizon, that's an interesting name. I love your work, are they all your own designs?"

Hannah points to my arm which was covered in my own designs. I stroke my arm and nod.

"Yeah, all my own designs. I like her Oli. Though do you think I could get a private word?"

Oli nods and excuses himself from Hannah who walks off towards Nicholls and Jordan. I motion for Oli to follow me away from the party and suddenly I feel nervous about being alone with him, I could be talking to my birth brother.

"What can I do for you tonight love?"

"I got a phone call off the orphanage and they told me my birth family sent me a letter which my adoptive family promised to give me when I turned eighteen, they kept the letter from me Oli."

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now