Chapter Nineteen

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Horizon and I had just finished moving into our new home, we'd decided to move from San Diego back to where I grew up in Florida so we could raise our family. Horizon opened her own tattoo shop and was giving drum lessons on the side while I worked on new music with my band.

The two of us had agreed the wedding would take place two months after the twins were born to make things easier. Oli, Vic, Mike, Kellin and Tom were playing nice as were both set of Horizon's parents. As the day of the birth approached all of them practically moved to Florida to be near us. I understood why, but Horizon and I had to defuse a fight every now and then.

Today was an ordinary day, I was in my music room with the rest of the band while Horizon was in the back garden with my best man Kellin and her maid of honour Ash Costello planning the wedding. Alan and Tino were messing around while Phil and Aaron tried to calm them down, and I sat back shaking my head at the childish men in front of me. How could I cope with twins when I already had four grown-up children to look after.

"Austin! Let me in!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kellin pounding on the glass door of the recording studio looking frantic. The guys stopped messing around and Aaron let Kellin in.

"What's wrong Kellin?"

"Horizon's water just broke, she's going into labour."

I stand up quickly nearly knocking papers off the desk, Kellin didn't sound like he was joking. I knew the day was close but the twins were a week early.

"Austin, go drive your pregnant fiance to the hospital and the rest of us will go and tell everyone else."

Alan pats my shoulder and smiles warmly trying to assure me that everything would be okay. I nod and hastily follow Kellin, leaving my band to tell my family along with Horizon's. Kellin leaves me by the patio doors telling me he was going to tell his fiance Vic about his sister.

I walk outside to see Ash trying to calm Horizon down who was breathing quite heavily under the Florida heat. Ash looks up at me and frowns.

"Don't just stand there Carlile, grab the hospital bag and get you car keys. I'll get Horizon to the car."

I jump into action when she snaps at me. I run back inside the house and grab the pre-packed hospital bag before finding my car keys, I see now why Kellin jumped ship because Ash could get quite scary. By the time I get outside again Ash had Horizon stood by the car, I open the door before Ash can snap at me some more and she helps Horizon into the backseat.

"How are you feeling babe?"

Horizon rolls her eyes and rubs her belly.

"I feel like I'm about to push two humans out of my vagina Austin, so I'm bloody brilliant darling. Now shut up and drive me to the hospital."

I go to reply but stop when Ash shoots me a death glare in the rear view mirror. I gulp and start the car, the sooner we got to the hospital the sooner Horizon could give birth to our son and daughter.

~Skip To Hospital~

Ash was in her element when we got to the hospital, they wanted to mess us around but Costello turned into scary mother hen mode and got the job done. We were led to a private room and Horizon finally started to calm down. Ash shooed me out while she helped Horizon into the hospital gown.

Kellin arrived first with the Fuentes clan in tow, followed next was Alan and Tino with the Sykes family, and lastly Phil and Aaron with my parents. Everyone wanted to see Horizon but a doctor came out and told us only three people would be allowed in the room during the birth. Horizon had chosen Ash, Kellin and myself.

After Kellin, Ash and I got into our gowns to cover our regular clothes we were led back into the hospital room where Horizon was being fussed over by a doctor and a few nurses. It was safe to say that Horizon wanted to punch the nurse who kept telling her to take deep breaths and push.

"Squeeze my hand babe. You can even break a couple of bones if it makes you feel any better."

Horizon grabs my hand and I gasp at her tight grasp, how could someone so small have so much strength? Kellin and Ash smirk upon seeing me in pain.

"You're only saying that Austin because you're a vocalist and don't require two hands to hold a microphone."

Horizon made a valid point, but I liked to think it was a nice gesture on my behalf. Ash held her other hand and spoke about random things, while Kellin spoke highly of him and Vic. People said that girls could get quite mean and angry during birth, but Horizon was keeping her cool and was quite pleasant to be around.

"One more push Horizon, I can see the head."

Horizon screams and pushes once more before cries echo around the room.

"Here's your baby boy, would you like to cut the umbilical cord, Austin?"

I nod and make my way towards the doctor at the end of the bed. A nurse hands me a pair of scissors and I cut the cord, I had my first baby and now I just needed my second one.

"Is he okay Austin?"

"He's beautiful Horizon, now you need to push out our daughter."

Horizon laughs and starts to push again. Four minutes later our daughter is born and I cut the cord again. Our kids had to be taken off to be cleaned up before we could hold them. Ash and Kellin help Horizon clean herself up so she was no longer a sweaty mess. I couldn't believe we were now parents. Kellin and Ash leave the room to give us some privacy.

"We did it, Austin, we bought two new people into this world."

I crawl onto the hospital bed and pull my stunning fiance into my arms and kiss her forehead.

"Now we're a proper little family Horizon, we just need to get married now."

Horizon chuckles, "yes, the wedding. I'll finally be Mrs Horizon Carlile."

The hospital room door opens and two cribs are wheeled inside by two nurses. Horizon's eyes light up. One of the nurses smiles at us.

"Here are your beautiful twins Austin and Horizon."

Our daughter is handed to me while our son gets handed to his mother. The nurses leave and we're left alone with two squirming bundles. I was going to spoil these kids rotten as was Horizon, and all their grandparents, aunts and uncles.

"Are we going to name them now Austin? You name our daughter and I'll name our son."

I nod, we'd agreed months in advance that we'd name the opposite genders to switch things up.

"Say hello to Cora Ann Carlile."

Horizon awes, "cute Austin. Now say hello to your son Axl George Carlile."

We high-five at our choice of awesome baby names, I just hoped our friends and family liked them. Now we needed to update everyone including all our fans.

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