Chapter Four

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Of course, we were one of the last bands to arrive, we always were. Warped was last minute for us because originally we weren't on the lineup, but Bullet For My Valentine had to drop out and we were free. Last time we were here was when Sempiternal came out and now we had songs off That's The Spirit to perform live for fans. I wanted to stay in my bunk and sleep due to jetlag, but someone had left our bus door unlocked and Asking Alexandria waltzed in like they owned the joint.

"The barbeque is a tradition Sykes, you can sleep when you're dead."

Ben Bruce really had a way with words and so I agreed to go out and get drunk with the other bands who I knew well. However when we got closer to the party one girl stood out, I'd never seen her before but she could have been my spitting image if she had a dick. She was holding a beer and was sat on Austin Carlile's lap laughing, so I assumed she was just a band girlfriend.

"Who are you looking at Sykes?"

Ben slaps me on the back already semi-drunk and I motion towards the girl. Ben makes an 'oh' shape with his mouth.

"That's baby sister Fuentes, adopted because she's obviously not Mexican. Oh, she always plays the drums like her brother Mike."

"What's her actual name, Ben?"

I had a sister called Horizon who my parents gave up for adoption in San Diego when I was four and she was three because my dad wanted another son. Once they had Tom then mum felt guilty about giving my sister up, so she wrote a letter to the adoptive family to give to Horizon when she turned eighteen explaining everything and saying we'd like to get back in touch.

When we heard nothing back from her, we assumed she wanted nothing to do with us after the way she was dumped as a young child. Mum and dad kind of moved on with their lives, but I wasn't about to give up because I was determined to be reunited with my baby sister again. People thought we named our band after the pirate film when really I named it after my sister.

"Err...Horizon...yeah that's her name...It's an awesome I need more drink..."

I was left in shock, Ben just told me that the girl was called Horizon and she was adopted by the Fuentes family who lived in San Diego. She had similar features to me, could this girl be my long lost sister? Nicholls squeezes my shoulder.

"Get to know her mate before you jump to conclusions."

Nicholls was right. If I jumped in now I could sabotage my chances with her. I'd get to know her and maybe do a DNA test or something, though I was pretty sure we were related.


"Mike we have a problem."

Mike stumbles over to me and slung his arm around my shoulder to stable himself.

"What's up brother?"

I pointed to where Oli stood with his band and Asking Alexandria who were staring at Horizon while Ben pointed at her. Ben knew Horizon and was most likely telling Oli who she was, luckily he didn't know about her birth family. Mike gulps and I saw him sober slightly.

"We've got to find a way to keep them away from each other Vic."

That was going to be harder than it looked, Horizon would get suspicious if we didn't let her watch one of her favourite bands. Plus she was a grown up who could make her own decisions.

"We'll try Mikey. Maybe we should tell Tony and Jaime, four sets of eyes on Horizon were better than two, make her less suspicious."

Mike nods in agreement. I glance back over to where Horizon and Austin were and scrunched my eyebrows as she kissed Austin on the cheek before going off with Ricky, Devin, Ben and Nicholls. They were smokers and Horizon was trying to quit, so I wasn't happy about them influencing my little sister.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now