Chapter Ten

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Last night was a blur once we got back to the bus, we tried to keep quiet but Austin knew how to make me scream. I still needed to scold my brother for getting my boyfriend high, so I kiss Austin on the cheek and slip out of his bunk. None of his band were around as I got dressed and left the bus holding my panda.

"Walk of shame you little slut."

Kellin pops up beside me laughing at my sex hair and the fact I was wearing the same dress from the date. I swat him and scowl.

"Is Mike on the bus? He got Austin high the other night and the drugs still affected him on our date."

"He might be, I got off the bus quickly this morning because Vic and Danielle were arguing."

I pull out my phone and see no new messages off anyone. I decide to send Vic a quick message asking if he was okay. Kellin opens Pierce The Veil's bus door and we were greeted by a surprising sight, Danielle was shooting up on the table.


Danielle jumps when Kellin shouts at her.

"It's not what it looks like, I needed a stress relief."

"I can't deal with this right now Danielle."

My phone goes off and I excuse myself to the bunk area leaving Kellin to deal with Danielle. The number was an unknown one but I still pressed accept.

"Hi, is this Horizon Fuentes?"

"Err yes it is, who is this?"

There was shuffling down the other end before the woman speaks again.

"You probably don't remember me Horizon, it's Miss Natalie from the orphanage. I wanted to check up on you."

I remembered Miss Natalie, she was kind to me and treated me like her own daughter.

"I do remember, you always gave me extra pudding. What do I owe the pleasure of your call Miss Natalie?"

She sighs and I lean against the bunks waiting for her answer.

"Did you receive the letter off your birth family when you turned eighteen?"

"What letter?"

Now I was confused, did my birth family really leave me a letter and my adoptive family kept it from me? If they did then I was beyond angry, the Fuentes family had no right to keep me from my birth family. Maybe Oli really was my birth brother, now I needed a DNA test.

"I'm sorry Horizon they assured us they'd give it to you. Maybe you should ring your parents and ask them for the truth. I hope you find your birth family finally, speak to you later."

"Bye Miss Natalie."

She hangs up and I find myself sliding to the floor with tears in my eyes. Kellin walked in looking pissed off until he saw me and his expression softened.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

I explain the phone call and he listens while stroking my hair. When I didn't hear anything from my birth family I assumed the worse and mama and papa said they were the only family I ever needed. And now I find out they'd been lying to me for most of my adult life.

"What do I do Kellin? My adoptive family lied, I thought my birth family hated me when really they wanted to explain themselves. I was denied the chance to get to know them."

"Let's go ahead with the DNA test of you and Oli, and while the results are being calculated you confront mama and papa and get the letter of them."

Kellin was the greatest friend I could ever ask for. There was a party tonight and I planned on getting some of Oli's DNA. Maybe a few drinks with friends would calm me down.


Kellin and Horizon of all people knew about my drug problem, and Kellin made sure to get evidence before darting to the bunks to check on Horizon. I was going to need something stronger if I was going to deal with Vic because Kellin had wanted to break us up since day one. I message Paul and he tells me to meet him at our normal spot, there was something creepy about him but he was a drug dealer and I needed my fix.

I went to grab my jacket from the bunk area but Kellin and Horizon were talking quite loudly. I was about to turn around and leave when I overheard the last thing I expected to hear.

"The Fuentes family lied about my birth family Kells, I think Oli Sykes is my birth brother and Vic and Mike know and have been against us hanging out alone."

Well, that explained why Horizon looked so much like Oli and had been born somewhere in England. I think I now had some leverage over Kellin if he told Vic about the drugs. Talking about drugs Paul wouldn't wait forever.

Paul scowls at me as I approach him and he moves on a couple of girls. Maybe he'd find my Horizon news interesting, after all, he always asked about her as if he knew her.

"Smile Paul today's a good day."

"And why's that Danielle?"

He leans against a pole and I clap my hands together.

"Why are you always interested in Horizon Paul? She doesn't do drugs anymore?"

"You know her last boyfriend was also her dealer and apparently manipulated and abused her. Well I did my time and now I want my little drug whore back, I don't approve of her new happy life. She belongs to no one but me. Does that answer your question?"

My happy go lucky attitude slips, my dealer was Horizon's ex. I'd heard horror stories about him from Vic, he was bad news and really good at getting what he wanted. Now he was on Warped trying to get Horizon back. I was torn, as much as I hated her I didn't want anything bad to happen to her because she was recovering well and belonged with Austin.

"I need something stronger, boyfriend issues and all."

"If you need help with your boyfriend darling just call me, I know a guy."

All I could do was nod and hand him the money in return for the drugs. He was scary and I wanted him nowhere near Vic. I happily walk away as he got distracted by another customer only to bump into someone, luckily I'd put the drugs in my bra.

"You need to be more careful Danielle. Hey, you look a little pale, are you alright?"

Oli was the last person I wanted to see right now, but when an idea pops into my head. If I told Oli that Horizon knew he was her birth brother he would argue with Vic and Mike, who in return would ignore the issues we were having in our relationship. I straighten up and smile.

"I know your Horizon's birth brother Oli, Horizon also knows because someone from the orphanage told her about the letter. I'm sorry but it looks like Vic and Mike have been lying to keep you away from your sister Sykes, You two really do look alike."

Oli tenses, "are you sure she knows Danielle?"

I nod, "yeah her and Kellin were talking about getting DNA proof. I'll see you at the party tonight."

I leave him standing in shock. I'd played my part and now I really needed my fix, I could see why Horizon became addicted.


Horizon knew the truth but needed proof of our relation. I'd make sure she got some of my DNA at the party. I was so close to having my little sister back in my life, but until the results came back I wouldn't be able to lay a hand on either Fuentes brother. Everything was finally falling into place.    

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Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now