Chapter Six

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After walking around the venue for a bit I decided to make my way over to New Years Day tent where they were just finishing an interview. Ash saw me and let out an inhuman noise before practically jumping over the table and runs towards me.

"Horizon, tell your big sister everything."

I roll my eyes before going in for a hug, Ash might be older than me but most times she acted younger. I gave her a brief rundown of what went on with Vic and how Oli comforted me before Austin asked me out and we had sex.

"I better be maid of honour at your wedding Fuentes. Was Austin good? Fast or slow? Top or bottom?"

I scrunch my face up as she bombards me with questions about my sex life, I'd just left a bus full of horny men and now my best friend was on my back. I decide to change the subject to a subject I knew Ash liked, herself.

"Err Ash, haven't you noticed what I'm wearing?"

Her eyes gave me the once over before they lit up and she claps her hands together.

"I knew my top would look killer on you, I wasn't sure of the design but now I've seen it I really like it."

"What can I say, Costello, us girls have to stick together and I can't get enough of your range."

I wasn't exactly lying, I did love the clothes range. I just wanted a distraction from sex talk and it worked. While Ash gushed about some new designs and styles my phone went off with a new message off Oli.

Oli: We're heading to the stage now if you want to watch side stage

Time really had flown by, there was only twenty minutes until Bring Me The Horizon went on and I told Oli I'd be there.

"Ash love I've got to go, I want to see BMTH. Do you want to join?"

She shakes her head, "I'd love to but I've got a signing and then we go on stage. Text me later, we'll arrange a girls night or something."

We hug before parting. Pierce The Veil were playing at the same time as Oli's band but I'd seen them live enough times that I didn't fancy watching them again. Maybe I'd stop by the merch stand later to see if they needed any help.

Not many fans stopped me on the way to the stage, Austin had tweeted that we were official along with a cheesy selfie we took when I visited him in Florida, so I got revenge and posted an ugly picture of him which the fans ate up. I show security my pass and was let backstage with ease. Oli, Lee and Jordan were huddled together while Matt and Nicholls were on their phones zoned out. Maybe I could sneak up and scare them.

"Dude, are you sure about this? It could be a coincidence that she still has the toy you gave her, or it could be a different bunny."

What were they talking about? Why had Oli told them about my bunny? And what did he mean when he said he'd bought his sister an identical one. The bunny was the only thing I had to link me to my birth family. I suddenly feel sick, people joked that I had similar features to Oli and that I was born in the UK. I needed to get out of here.

As I round the corner to get off backstage I bump into Austin who caught me before I could trip over my own feet. Great, Austin was probably here because he and Oli were friends and he knew I'd be here.

"Careful babe, what's the rush?"

I didn't want to tell him what I was starting to suspect so I needed to come up with a believable lie. The bad thing was I happened to be a terrible liar unless drugs were involved and then I could lie my ass off.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now