Chapter Twelve

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I decided to do what Horizon asked and go and find Austin. However, I couldn't find him anywhere at the party. Maybe he and Horizon had gone back to the buses, but she would have messaged me. I found Austin's bus but it was empty, which left Pierce The Veil's bus which was the last place I wanted to be.

The door was locked but the lights were on so I knocked and waited for someone to answer. The door unlocked and swung open revealing Danielle who seemed surprised to see me of all people.

"Err Oli, what are you doing here?"

"Did Horizon find you?"

Danielle shakes her head and motions for me to enter the bus.

"She's not here Sykes. Wait why was she trying to find me?"

Danielle sits down next to Vic and Mike on the sofa, they didn't look too happy to see me either. I guess Vic didn't know about his girlfriend's drug problem, otherwise, he wouldn't be so close to her.

"Horizon mentioned that earlier her and Kellin caught you doing drugs on this bus. Kellin threatened to rat you out to Vic but Horizon talked him down. I didn't tell her that I saw you buying drugs from the new dealer, but she freaked when I told her his name was Paul."

Danielle's confident facade falters as Vic looks at her confused.

"Tell me he's lying Danielle? You wouldn't do drugs, especially in the same environment as our sister who's a recovering drug addict."

Danielle chews her lip, "he's telling the truth, Vic. I really thought Kellin was going to tell you because it's pretty obvious to everyone that you're both in love with each other."

In my pocket, my phone vibrates. I pull it out and see Austin's name flash on the screen easing my suspicion about something being wrong. I answer it.

"Austin, where are you?"

There was shuffling down the other end of the line and what sounded like metal chains rattling in the background. I put the call on speaker when Vic pipes up.

"What's going on Oliver?"

"Victor, long time no speak do you remember me?"

A male voice that wasn't Austin's laughs as Vic freezes. Danielle pats his back and mouths that's Pete the drug dealer.

"Is that Danielle I hear? You told me you were having boyfriend issues and I told you I knew a guy. That raven-haired boy won't be ruining your relationship anymore."

Raven haired boy who was in love with Vic. Did this maniac have Kellin?

"Why do you have Austin's phone, Paul? Where are they?"

Paul laughs again, he was starting to get on my nerves.

"I thought you'd be more worried about your sister Oliver, that's right Victor and Mike she knows you've been lying to her about the truth."

Mike curses and buries his face in his hands. Danielle tries to comfort Vic but he pushes her away. Jaime looks between all of us not quite knowing what to think, and Tony starts to comfort Mike.

"What have you done to Horizon? You're sick in the head Paul. How the hell did you get out of prison?"

"I have contacts, Victor. But now I've got my girl by my side again and the other two are collateral damage if she turns me down. Goodbye Victor, Oh Oliver you would have been a much better brother. I mean you're a drug abuser yourself, we could be friends one day."

Paul hangs up leaving me in stunned silence. Vic swears and punches the wall snapping me out of my own world.

"Fuck, I should have done more to protect her. If anything happens to any of them Danielle their blood is on your hands. I can't even look at you, get off this bus because we're done."

Danielle gulps and nods sheepishly before leaving the bus, she actually looked guilty and sorry for her actions. I grab her arm.

"Can you round up Of Mice and Men and tell them to come here please?"

She nods and shuts the bus door behind her. Until the other band got here I needed to know the whole story about my sisters past with Paul. I sit down next to Jaime and Mike meets my eye.

"How long have you suspected Oli?"

"She showed me her rabbit, said it was the only thing her birth family left her. I got that for her before my parents took her on the trip she never came back from."

Mike nods looking defeated, he loved Horizon as did Vic. Hell they grew up with her and had played the big brother roles when I couldn't.

"Can I defend our family for a second Oli?"

I motion for him to speak, I was quite interested in what he had to say for the Fuentes family.

"My parents promised to give Horizon the letter your parents wrote when she turned eighteen. But Horizon at that age wanted to know her birth family's reasons for abandoning her. My parents read the private letter and feared Horizon would want to meet her birth family and would move back to England."

Was he serious? His parents thought Horizon would pack up and leave them after being raised by them all those years.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Mike. They raised her, Horizon wouldn't leave you. They had no right to keep her from us. My mum was devastated when she didn't hear anything thinking Horizon had discarded the letter that explained all the motives."

Mike bows his head, he shouldn't be taking all the blame. Where the hell was Vic in all of this?


"What do you want me to say, Sykes? We're sorry, but in our defence, we only found out about the letter before coming on Warped."

He pops his head around the bathroom door and semi-glares at me through clenched teeth.

"And you didn't think Horizon deserved to know that her blood brother is in one of her favourite bands? How did you expect her to react?"

Mike shrugs his shoulders and Tony pulls him into a hug, was I missing something? Was Perrentes real?

"Go easy on them Oliver, this is a lot to take in for everyone. We need to focus on getting Horizon, Kellin, and Austin back safely."

I was about to protests when the bus door swung open and in stormed a very angry ginger followed by the rest of Austin's band as well as my band and two other additions. New Years Day and Motionless In White, I guess they were close to Horizon as well.

"Where the hell is Austin? Danielle wasn't very clear on the details."

Alan flops down next to me blowing his hair out of his face. I turn to Vic and smirk.

"Take it away Fuentes, you have a lot of explaining to do."

Vic full on glares at me as he clears his throat. I'd do anything to get my sister back along with her boyfriend Austin and best friend Kellin. They were both good friends of mine who didn't ask to be involved in any of this.

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Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now