Chapter Five

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Opening the bus door I was met by our driver who pointed back at the bunks with a sad expression on his face, he'd known Horizon for just over a year and hated to see her upset.

"She stopped crying around ten minutes ago, I took her some water but she kept asking for you. She's a lovely girl who deserves someone good in her life and maybe that's you, Austin."

He pats my back before heading outside for a smoke. Horizon and I acted like a couple even though neither of us had asked the other out, everyone told us we needed to make it official including the fans. Maybe I'd finally grow a pair and ask out the girl I loved. Oli hadn't really told me much other than Vic had upset her, Vic had good intentions but wasn't as laid back as Mike when it came to dealing with Horizon's past.

My bunk was at the back of the bus and when I pulled the curtain back Horizon looked up at me with tear-stained eyes and puffy cheeks. I cup her chin and brush away some stray tears before stroking her cheek.

"What did he do, this time, baby?"

She sniffles and moves back in the bunk to give me room to climb in and lay next to her. So I lay down and she rests her head on my chest.

"When I was doing drugs I used the excuse of going for a smoke to go and score something from a stranger. After rehab, I took up regular smoking and Mike knew and bought me cigarettes because Vic checked what I was spending money on. Tonight he ripped the cigarette out of my hand and accused me of relapsing. The others were smoking weed but I declined because I have some self-control."

I start to play with her hair as she finishes her rant. Before Oli told me about her I was talking to Vic and he acted like nothing bad had happened, he made his little sister cry and hadn't gone after her to apologise. Horizon needed to know that there were people around her who trusted her.

"You can stay on our bus for as long as you like Horizon. You're too beautiful to cry, Vic needs to apologise."

"You think I'm beautiful Austin?"

She sits up and locks eyes with me. her last boyfriend manipulated her and never called her nice names, that's probably why she sounded so surprised. I knew here and now that I could show her what a real relationship could be like.

"Of course, I do ever since the night I met you at Chris's birthday. You've been knocked down but found your way back. I know we act like a couple and you haven't had nice relationships, but I want you to know that I'll never hurt you. Horizon Fuentes, will you be my girlfriend?"

She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand as her eyes search my face to see if I was serious. I was deadly serious and hoped she could see that. After a few seconds, she removes her hand and a huge smile plasters itself on her face.

"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend Austin. I love you and trust you."

I let out the breath I'd been holding and nearly had all the air knocked out of my lungs as Horizon climbs on top of me straddling my waist. This girl was one of a kind and all mine.

"Aren't you going to kiss your girlfriend Austin?"

She smirks and that's enough to set me off. I dig my fingers into her hips before capturing her lips roughly, our first time probably should have been sober but neither of us seemed to be bothered as she matched my roughness.

~Next Day~


As my eyes flutter open I find myself in a bunk and assume it was my own, until I attempt to snuggle my pillow and it chuckles waking me up.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now