Chapter Sixteen

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After the doctors finished bandaging both my ankles, into my hospital room walked Kellin along with Vic, Mike and Oli in tow. My heart sped up at the glum looks on their faces, had something happened to Horizon and they wanted to tell me together? I clutch the scratchy duvet covering me.

"How's Horizon?"

Oli lifts up his arm which had a smallish plaster on and sighs, "I donated my blood but the doctors said it might not be enough because Horizon's brain was starved of oxygen for a short while."

I glance at the others for a better explanation. Vic and Mike continue staring at their feet leaving Kellin to speak up.

"They put her into an induced coma because she wasn't waking up on her own Austin. The doctors don't know the extent of the damage, and say she could wake up varying from a week to several months."

I gulp and feel my heart sink in my chest. On the positive side, she was recovering but we didn't know for sure when she would wake up. I felt useless being stuck in a hospital bed when I wanted no more than to see my girlfriend.

"Err Mr Carlile...and friends...are any of you relatives of Horizon Fuentes?"

None of us had noticed the nurse walk in until she cleared her throat next to Mike startling him out of his trance.

"I'm her boyfriend, the two Mexicans and pale one are her brothers, and the black haired boy is the short Mexican's boyfriend."

My friends all glared at me while the nurse laughed and tapped a pen against the clipboard in her hands.

"Well, Mr Carlile congratulations are in order."

I stop laughing and stare at the nurse, "congratulations for what exactly?"

The nurse chuckles, "you're going to be a father, Miss Fuentes is four weeks pregnant. We were doing a scan and found a little life growing inside her."

To say I was shocked would have been an understatement, my girlfriend was pregnant with my child. The other four guys didn't know how to react to the news, but then a thought crossed my mind.

"Err nurse exactly does it work? Horizon's in a coma."

"Well, Mr Carlile the rest of her body is still functioning so the baby will continue to grow as if she was awake. We'll be keeping a close eye on both of them, any more questions?"

I shake my head unable to think straight let alone form a coherent sentence. Rose smiles warmly in my direction before leaving the room. You could hear a pin drop, it was that silent. I was going to be a dad and Horizon was going to be a mum. She was going to be in for a shock once she woke up.

Mike coughs, "so that was pretty big news guys."

Vic snorts, "no shit Mikey. I guess congratulations Austin, but at the same time, you got our baby sister pregnant. Have you ever heard of a thing called a condom?"

Kellin punches Vic in the arm, Vic flinches and rubs his arm while Oli stares at me. He had one of those stares that you couldn't bring yourself to look away from, his expression was also unreadable so I didn't know if he was happy or angry.

"Do you love her Austin?"

Oli's question catches me off guard. I blink a few times to see if he had actually asked me that obvious question, and I know he had when he continued to stare me down.

"Of course, I do Oli. Yes, we haven't been together that long but I'm not about to leave her, I've always wanted kids and both Horizon and I will be great parents."

Oli cracks a smile and sighs, "just checking Austin. You two are perfect for each other, but please wear protection next time."

I let out the breath I'd been holding. You didn't want to get on Sykes bad side. I lean back in the bed, or as much as I can in my current state. And that's when I notice Kellin looking quite deep in thought.

"Quinn, what's on your mind?"

His head snaps in my direction.

"What are you guys going to do about Warped? You have to go back once Austin's healed."

My face drops as does Oli's, Vic's and Mike's as reality dawns on us that we would have to return to Warped and leave Horizon alone in the hospital. Kellin shakes his head before snapping his fingers together, and I swore I saw a lightbulb go off above his head.

"I'll stay with her. I'm only guest vocals on one Pierce The Veil song, so I don't need to go back to Warped. That way she'll have a familiar face if she wakes up."

Vic grabs his boyfriends hand and looks like a kicked puppy.

"Are you sure Kells? I'll miss you since we only just got together."

Kellin rolls his eyes at Vic.

"We need to think about Horizon Vic and what's best for her, we can Skype."

"We could all take it in turns to Skype so Horizon can hear our voices, so she knows we haven't forgotten about her."

I thought I'd come up with a pretty good solution to our problem, plus I wanted updates on both her health and my unborn child. The guy's nod in silent agreement, going back to Warped was going to be hard on all of us.

"We've all had a long day, especially Kellin and Austin. Maybe we should head out and everyone can get some rest."

Oli made a good point and it wasn't until he mentioned rest that I let out a huge yawn. All the guys hugged me before leaving the hospital room. And soon as my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes I was out like a light.


After leaving Autin's room I made my way towards my sister's room and stood outside the door fighting back tears. My baby sister had been through hell and I'd missed so many years of her life, she'd battled drugs just like me and had won so we had more in common than I first thought.

Taking a deep breath I push open the door and walk into the darkened hospital room. Machines beep and wires and tubes stick out of Horizon showing the severity of the situation. I still couldn't get over the fact that she was pregnant with Austin's kid. I needed to update my parents on her state.


Oli tucked the toy rabbit under Horizon's arm and stroked her hair. Mike stood by my side outside her room, I felt like we were intruding on a private family moment between Horizon and Oli. I was happy Kellin would be staying by her side, to keep our sister company and the rest of us updated.

"Do you think she'll ever forgive us Vic?"

I shrug my shoulders and fold my arms over my chest. Mike sounded so down, he loved Horizon just a much if not slightly more than me. He taught her to play the drums and made her the amazing drummer she was today.

"In time Mikey she will, we just need, to be honest, and truthful with her from now on."

"We should update mama and papa on her situation Vic."

I nod and we both walk away from the room leaving Oli to have some family time. When we got in touch with mama and papa we'd ask if they still had the letter from the Sykes, so we could give it to Horizon when she eventually woke up. This summer wouldn't be forgotten anytime soon.

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