Chapter Two

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"Mikey, Vic I'm home."

Shoot me I'm 27 and live with my older brothers, they had a massive house and they didn't want me living alone because we were a close family. Plus I didn't have to pay rent which was a bonus, but I had to do the shopping and cooking. Mama made sure I could cook because she joked it was the only way to a guys heart.

"Baby Fuentes."

I look up from dumping the shopping bags on the kitchen counter into the eyes of the always over energetic Jaime Preciado, who was in Pierce the Veil along with my brothers.

"I'm only three years younger than Mike."

"Which makes you the baby, now come and give your favourite member a hug."

I sigh, but when Jaime opens his arms I can't help but smile and all but run at him but luckily he always caught me. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder making me squeal and punch his back.

"Put me down Preciado or the food will defrost and then you'll be stuck eating fruit."

"No, not the fruit."

He puts me down but not before ruffling my hair and grabs a bag of chips from one of my many shopping bags, he then runs out of the kitchen whooping.

"I'm Horizon's favourite so suck on it turtle."

I laugh and roll my eyes, Jaime was a big man child but I loved him like another brother. Tony pops his head around the kitchen door causing me to jump and nearly drop the milk, he grins and pushes his glasses further up his nose.

"Patience you must have my young padawan."

"Oh no, you didn't just quote Yoda at me, Tony. Make yourself useful and help me put the shopping away."

He groans dramatically muttering something under his breath about not living here, he and Jaime ate the food I bought so it meant everyone had to help. I guess Jaime knew what was coming and made a quick escape.

"The quicker we get this done turtle, the sooner I can cook you guys food. What do you fancy? I'll let you choose for being my helper."


Tony screams close to my ear, but I was use to four loud guys so it didn't faze me anymore.

"Did I hear someone shout about tacos?"

My head snaps to the doorway where Vic stood taking in the scene with Mike towering behind him. Most people assumed that Mike was the oldest but just because he was tall that didn't make him older.

"I quoted Star Wars and she made me unpack Vic, she's mean."

I poke Tony in the ribs and fold my arms over my chest, "She has a name, Perry."

"Ah, poor turtle getting picked on by a girl."

Mike comes over to me and pulls me into a hug, and I hug him back. Mike and Vic always competed to be my favourite brother and today it looked like Mikey won.

"And where were you Mr big brother when I called earlier? I had to rope poor Tony into helping me unpack the food all you guys shovel down your throats."

I poke Mike in the ribs and he yelps before pushing me away. He runs behind Jaime who had re-entered the kitchen, Jaime pats Mike on the back.

"Don't listen to her Mikey."

"Okay enough of that boys, now leave my kitchen or no tacos for any of you."

A collective round of gasps echoed around the room and Tony, Mike and Jaime bolted from the kitchen leaving Vic and I. He leans against the counter and sighs, I knew my brother well enough to know he had something on his mind.

Fuentes or Sykes? (Pierce The Veil/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now