Chapter 9: Adult Child (Revised)

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Thanacia's POV (Baby Ashaiiii!!)

It has been 2 weeks since we came here in the Philippines and its so hot.

I am currently wearing my light pink above the knee cocktail dress with red and white floral patterns and matching sandals. Tita Tasha made me wear this. She is a fashion freak.

"Aish. Do I really need to wear this?" I looked at Kuya Eli. He looked handsome in his blue checkered long sleeves that was folded neatly so it came below his elbows.

"Yes kuya. You do. Don't worry. You're pogi naman eh." He just pouted.

"I'll sumbong you to my daddy." He crossed his arms and looked at me sharply.

"Ha-ha. You don't have a daddy kaya." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ikaw din. You don't have a daddy too." His glare turned soft and became sad.

I just sighed at the thought.

"Hey. Ashai! Eli! Tara na! You're gonna be late for your first day of school." Tita Tasha called out. She will be the one to bring us to school.


"Guys... meron akong good news at bad news. Anong gusto niyong mauna?" Tito Red declared.

"Tss. Magandang balita muna. Punong puno na ako sa masasamang nangyayari saatin." Mommy replied. I looked at the broken mirror and shook my head.

"Ang magandang balita ay may papasukan nang school sina Elijah at Thanacia." Ooooh! Were going to schooool!! Wait. Oh my jolly mushrooms!

"And the bad news is the agency ordered us to stay here until further notice."  I pouted at the thought. But I already miss Europe!

"Tito Red... what is the schools name?" Kuya Eli suddenly asked. Hindi naman siya ganoon eh. He usually doesn't mind all those stuff. Except of course when something catches his attention.

"Underground Academy." The moment he said that Mommy dropped the bowl of popcorn that she was holding while tita Talia forgot that she was pouring coke in a glass so it spilled.

"S-sorry..." Tita Talia said as she wiped the wet table and picked up the bowl mommy dropped in the carpeted floor to get more popcorn I guess. Then she darted off the room and to the kitchen.

"W-why do they need to go to that school? M-marami namang ibang school na pwede." Mommy stuttered. Hindi ko alam kung bakit but the Mention of that school made her nervous.

"Staff doon ang kapatid ko and they will learn things for self defense there. Makakabuti na rin iyon para sakanila." Tito Red answered.

"O-okay..." she replied then mindlessly walked to our room.

*end of flashback*

Anyway papasok na kami ngayon sa U.A. its our first day actually.

"Ashai, Eli, speak in tagalog more often okay." Tito Red said.

"Sige po." I replied.

"Tara na kuya. Tita Tasha is already waiting near the elevator." I called out to him.

"Sige." He smiled then walked out the door.


When we reached the academy. I saw lots of people. May mga kids our age and there are others that are as big as Tita Tasha.

"Welcome to Underground Academy." Sabi nung babae na nasa Registrars Office.

"We will take the two slots that was reserved by Mr. Red last week." Sabi ni Tita Tasha. She seemed so composed.

"For Miss Thanacia Angela Athena Crane and Mr. Elijah Tyrien Klein Sky?" Tita Tasha nodded her head in reply.

We were given school maps. And other files.

"Tita anong section kami naka assign?" Kuya Eli Asked.

"Level 1- Princes and Princesses." She said as we looked for our room.

"Asan na ba yung kwartong yun?" Sabi ni Tita Tasha.

She opened a door only to find an office of some sort.

"Uh... miss anong kailangan niyo?" A guy with a familiar face said. But I don't know where I saw his features.

"Uhm. S-sorry. Hinahanap ko lang yung level 1- Princes and Princesses." She said stuttering.

"Its in the building infront of this one." Another guy answered .

Like the first guy his features were also familiar.

"K-kuya Hail?" The guy turned to Tita Tasha in surprise.

"N-natasha!?" He blurted out.

He looked at us one by one.

"S-sino sila?" He asked.

"A-anak nila Ate..." She replied.

He smiled sadly and shook his head.

"Paki sabi miss ko na siya." Huh? What does he mean?

Tita Tasha just nodded and thanked them for the directions.

As we passed by a glass door I just realized where I saw those two guy's features.

They are the ones in my face and Kuya Eli's.


Wahhhhh! Homay Ghaddd! My harteu! My harteu!

Wahhhhh! Nag kita na ang magaama! Its so... kyaaaaah!

Hahaha. Two updates dahil may time.

Vomment and Share.

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