When You Hug

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Your usually doing something around the house, whether it be laundry, dishes, or even cooking he'll come up behind you and pick you up and hold you there till you laugh and squirm around so you can turn around and hug him full on. When your finally turned around, you let him kiss your forehead as you get engulfed in his arms and sweet smelling shirt or sweatshirt. In public, it's a bit different, he still hugs you, but usually it's more protective. He grabs you by the waist and hugs you to him as if scared of losing you, though he seems fearless on the outside. He smiles down at you with love in his eyes, wrinkling the corners of his eyes and creating a face even you couldn't smile at.


Josh usually tackles you head on in public. He grabs you around the waist and swings you around like your weightless. He smiles at you happily before setting you down and hugging you softly.At home, he always buries you with his body pressed against you. When your on the couch watching tv, reading, or even sleeping, he seems to always crawl up next to you and pull you in close until you almost can't breathe outside of his smell. He buries his head into your shoulder as if trying to hide you from everyone else. He kisses your shoulder before taking a long breath of your scent and hugging you tighter.

Yay! My first imagine! Cool?

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