Favorite Time Of Day

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Your favorite time of day is in the morning and night where your sleeping or cuddling.

You love the sense of going to bed and always having Tyler wiggle closer to you till he had his arms around you and his nose on your shoulder. Sometimes you would face away and see his tattoos on his arm but most times you turned inward to see him and look at his chest tattoos and snuggle closer.

In the morning, his arms would still always be clinging to you. His hair would be fluffed up from sleep and his face peaceful. You wouldn't move till you had too, as you don't want to leave his warm embrace, even for your favorite drink, and breakfast.


Your favorite time of day with Josh is on the afternoons and sometimes morning.

Usually you two didn't do much in the morning and afternoons unless you had plans. In the morning you would always wake up to Josh shirtless, with his chin on your head and his arm slung lazily over you and his other arm touching your hand. When you got up, he usually snapped awake and pulled you back, till a minute later when you needed to get up to do something or another. When you make breakfast, he's usually getting plates and helping, standing over your shoulder, or trying to make you abandon breakfast and go back to bed, depending on how hungry he is. When you eat, he usually plays some of his recordings or songs he's working on to try and think ahead for what he does for work. If your lucky, he sometimes lets you listen to music before its even out anywhere.

In the afternoons, after Josh comes back from the studio, he slumps down on a couch and asks for Taco Bell.

You always ask, "Why don't you just get it on the way home?" Yet he never answers, though, your now prepared. You now pick up Taco Bell before Josh gets home and microwave it to heat it, then give it to Josh. Josh turns on the tv before wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you down to lay next to him on the couch, even if he's all sweaty.

"My three favorite things, Y/N, Taco Bell, and (His Fav Movie)." He always mumbles loud enough for you too hear, only making you love his sweetness more.

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