Zoo Dates

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Gotta say thanks to you amazing ppl for getting me so far with the reads and votes, you guys are amazing support for a lil gal like me❤

As always, request if you like, please vote and comment (if you like) also, new thing! Every time I time skip I'm gonna say 'Brought to you by ____' At first ill use random names unless someone wants their name their, cannot tag, but can definitely username or name!)))

Also check out @_kadzyoung225_ she makes really good imagines!



"Y/N!" Tyler calls out, pretending to be distressed as the two of you separated to different lines to get your bag checked and tickets scanned.

"Tyler!" You call back, holding out a hand in his direction.

He starts to sing, "Hello from the other siddddeeeee." Everyone starts to crack up, some recording the interaction.

"I must have called a thousand timesssssssss." You cry back, holding up your phone as the security guard checks your bag.

"Ma'am?" The guard asks holding up a bag of white powder.

"I know what it looks like, but it's chalk, I'm with the band playing here, you can taste it to find out, but it tastes like some kinda shit." You whisper, careful not to say it to loud. The guard opens the bag and sniffs it before closing it.

"Your good." He says with a nod and smile.

~~Time Skip Brought to You by Taco Bell~~

Tyler was waiting for you when you were done with the ticket line, and he had his beanie on and his chocolate eyes warming your cheeks and heart.

"You're so cute." He giggles, ruffling your hair as he pulls you to him and puts his arm around your shoulders. You smile at his attention and look down.

"Tyler!" You hear Josh call. "It's a full house!" Josh said excitedly. We ran to see, it was about thirty people, all teenagers. This was great, and amazing for them now, but little did they know the miles they would go in the near future.

"This is amazing Josh, but we still have awhile to set up, so I'm gonna spend time with Y/N for a bit." He said pointedly, his gaze unbreaking and happy. Josh nods with a smile and dismisses us with a happy wave.

Tyler leads you to the giraffe enclosure, which happens to be doing a feeding activity. Tyler buys two small buckets of lettuce. They instruct you on how to feed and then you head on your way.

Tyler gets out his phone as the tallest giraffe towers over me, his tongue reaching for the leaf. Your eyes widen and your mouth makes an 'O' shape. The camera makes a snapping noise with Tyler making giggling snorts and happy faces. You pull out another leaf, this time prepared. You stick your tongue out and the giraffe's tongue descends next to yours to grab the leaf. The camera snaps once again.

This continued for until you were out from your bucket. You took your phone out and flashed Tyler as he fed the giraffes. For a minute, he stood with a leaf in his hand as he checked his texts and a giraffe grabbed the leaf, but not paying attention, Tyler gripped the leaf tight and held on as the giraffe pulled on it. Suddenly, the giraffe jerked it away and he jumped back in surprise, you laughed hysterically. You had caught video of the whole scene.


"Y/N!" Josh shouts, picking you up and sweeping you up in his sweaty arms.

"Josh, you just played, you're all sweaty!" You laugh, struggling only the tiniest bit in his arms, secretly liking to be in his arms. He laughs, only hugging onto you tighter.

"That was a great show, I can't believe we played at the zoo!" He giggles.

"I can't believe you used chalk as make-shift fire works." You laugh. It was true, they stuffed chalk chunks into some fans and turned them on, the result was chalk flying over the audience in every direction.

He set you down carefully before he wrapped his arm around you and led you to the entrance of the zoo. You look at all the gardens decorating the area, all the bright colors and fresh flower scents made you feel safe and relaxed. Josh smiled at you before leading you to the van and opening the back door. "Leaving so soon?" You ask with a pout.

"Of course not! Who do you think I am?" He laughed pulling out a beach blanket and quilt. He jumped out of the van and locked it saying, "We have a date under the stars tonight."

He was right, the two of you laid in the grass among the flowers, you leaning on Josh's chest as he pointed to certain stars. "That's the scorpion that represents Scorpio..." He goes on, you listen with interest as he goes on. Suddenly he stops, you look up at him to see he's looking at you with a grin on his face.

"I guess you could say you're the star of my life." You pun randomly, his grin grows and he starts laughing heartily.

"Why Y/N? You ruined the moment!" He laughed. You laughed with him and you both were out of breath as you treasured the stupid moment.

"Here." He says suddenly, you look over to see Josh holding a lily, he tucks it over your ear and he smiles and takes his phone out before taking a picture of you with the flash on.

"Josh, flashing isn't around in public areas."

You were both,again, out of breath from laughing.

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